
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My Christmas Eve Nightstand

Yes, it's Christmas Eve.  It's also the fourth Tuesday of the month, so that means it's time for What's on Your Nightstand (with a bonus edition next week because of the holidays).

This month, I've been reading Christmas themed books.  Usually, I hope to have one or two, but this year, I've had four.  I'm working on the last one, Duck the Halls by Donna Andrews.  This is the second Christmas mystery in this funny series, and it finds a series of pranks happening in the churches in town in the days leading up to Christmas.  Who is behind them?  And, of course, a dead body drops as well.  I'm about 100 pages from the end and hope to finish soon.

Which is a good thing because I have another book I want to finish up for review before the end of the year.  And that's The Bridge to Never Land by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson.  This book is a follow up to their Peter and the Starcatchers series, which I've been reading one book a December for the last few years.  I think this may be the last; it's certainly going to be a different take on things.

So that's what I hope to get read in the next week.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and happy reading for the next week to you, too.


  1. I didn't realize Dave Barry wrote fiction. Huh.

    1. Yeah, he's written this series with Ridley Pearson and some adult comedic mysteries on his own.


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