
Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22nd's Book Beginnings and Friday 56

I really need to be getting to bed, but I must do this week's Book Beginnings and Friday 56 first.

This week's book is All Murders Final!, the third Sarah Winston Garage Sale Mystery by Sherry Harris.


I actually finished the book on Wednesday for review this coming Tuesday, it's official release date.  It's absolutely wonderful.  I figured it would be based on the opening line.
I didn't expect to start my Saturday with a cup of Dunkin's coffee and a dead body.

That just promises a great mystery, doesn't it?  Of course, the fact that I loved the first two books in the series also helped.

Since I read this as an eARC thanks to Netgalley, let's skip ahead to something at the 56% mark.

Pellner narrowed his eyes and pointed toward the chairs, so Stella and I walked over to them.
Officer Awesome stopped by Pellner's desk.  "Are you sure you want the two suspects sitting together?  They could be getting their stories straight."

This quote is killing me.  It's pretty funny in context, but out of context?  I feel like it is letting the book down.  Am I wrong that it doesn't translate well?  Or does it intrigue you?  Let me know in the comments.

And yes, there really is a police officer nicknamed Awesome in this book.  Yes, we do learn why.  No, I'm not going to explain here.  It's just one of the reasons you need to read this book.

I do hope you'll come back on Tuesday for my full review.


  1. I love the cover and title. Another cozy I must have. LOL

    My Friday 56 from West Of Dead

  2. So many laughs.. the title, the beginning and Officer Awesome. Sounds like a hoot!! Happy weekend!

  3. Sounds like an interesting read. :-)

  4. I have the first one in this series and I've been wanting to read it. I can see how the 56 would be better in context but it's definitely intriguing - why is Officer Awesome awesome and why are they suspects. I'm definitely curious!

  5. I do think the opening line is great and I thought the 56 worked okay...especially the "Officer Awesome"'s my Friday meme

  6. Most people in their right minds probably wouldn't be expecting that... :)
    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).


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