
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Reading Challenge Update: Audio Book Challenge 2020

We are six months into the year, so it is time for at least one reading challenge update.  Specifically, I'm looking at the Audio Book Challenge hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer.

I've been doing great at most of my challenges this year, getting in extra reading.  The one exception is the audio book challenge.  I said I was going for the Stenographer level, which is 10-15 audio books.  I usually try to listen to one book a month, so I thought I'd be okay.  However, I usually listen to audio books in the car.  I'm not driving anywhere right now, so you can imagine how that is going.

But I have listened to three so far this year.  And here they are:

1. "P" is for Peril by Sue Grafton
2. Past Crimes by Glen Erik Hamilton
3. Trust Me by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Not sure what the rest of the year will look like and if I'll get much more listened to.  But we will see.

1 comment:

  1. Try some great MG audibles! BAN THIS BOOK narrated by Bahni (Bonnie)Turpin and listen to other books by Alan Gratz (historical fiction such as GRENADE)!


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