
Friday, September 30, 2022

September 30th's Friday Post

Hello, and welcome to Friday once again.  That means it is time for a Friday post, where I will link up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I will be sharing teasers from Murder at the Mushroom Festival by Janet Finsilver.

This is the fourth in her Kelly Jackson Mysteries, and it was another good book.  Let's jump right in and see how the book starts:

Mushrooms of all shapes, sizes, and colors covered the top of the large table in the work area of Redwood Cove Bed-and-Breakfast.  Each had been centered on a white piece of paper.  Some looked like a person's sweet, peaceful dream of fluffy white clouds.  Others were from someone's ghoulish nightmare.  I reached toward a fascinating orange one with white dots.
"Stop!" the short, blond woman next to me shouted.

That will get your attention, won't it?  Meanwhile, at the 56% mark in the book, we find this:

I thought about what had happened to [Spoiler].  Had one of the mushroom distributors made a mistake?  If not that, when how did it happen?

Yep, I'm once again avoiding letting you know who something happened to so you will be surprised when you read the book.

This was a fun addition to the series.  I will be reviewing it next Thursday, so I hope you'll come back then to read my full review.

Meanwhile, let's take a look at this week's question for the Book Blogger Hop:

Have you ever skipped ahead to read the ending?

I don't remember ever skipping ahead of read the ending, but I have skimmed at the end to make sure a certain character was going to be okay.  Which is really just splitting hairs, isn't it?

I hope you have a great weekend.


  1. While I don't like eating mushrooms (the texture always feels off to me), I am absolutely fascinated by their shapes and colours so that opening really got me. I'd probably also have to be stopped from touching them xD I haven't skipped to the ending ever, although I have felt the desire to do so sometimes, but that just fueled me to keep reading faster! Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. Mushrooms are fascinating, and that book sounds like it is, too! I want to know why the orange one with the white dots can't be touched.

    I have very occasionally skipped to take a peek at the ending just to be sure a favorite character makes it through okay. But only occaisonally! And I don't read the entire ending. That sucks the fun right out of reading!

  3. Sounds like an interesting book. I love the cover too.

    I used to skip ahead (and then still read all the way up to the end) just to see. I don't any more.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  4. I rarely skip ahead to read the ending before I actually get to it. I do sometimes though. Usually when I am starting to get bored with a book to help me determine if I should read on. Ha!

    The Cartographers is this week's featured book

  5. I have never been to a mushroom festival. The book looks like fun.

  6. Mushroom festival... the notion has me amused. Happy weekend!

  7. I would read this it sounds relly good. Have a great weekend :)

  8. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading A King for Christmas by Brooke St. James.
    "I looked at my brother, putting the receiver in my lap, and muffling it in my shirt so that James couldn't hear me."
    I hope you have a great weekend! Happy reading!

  9. Happy Friday!

    My first line is coming from Honor Bound by Hallee Bridgeman.
    Captain Rick Norton crouched near the edge of the dirt road. Ears still ringing from the intense firefight, the smell of gunpowder burning his nose, he looked around, counting team members."

  10. I've flipped to the ending of more thriller type books if there's an animal involved that seems like it has potential to be the victim. With cozies I usually don't. This series is on my TBR and this looks like a fun one though you can have my share of mushrooms!

  11. My first line today is from Millstone of Doubt by Erica Vetsch:
    Thorndike House- London- March 1, 1816
    The problem with concealing a weapon beneath a day dress at a social gathering became all too apparent to Lady Juliette Thorndike the moment she sat beside the Dowager Duchess of Haverly.

  12. This looks like a fun book. Thanks for avoiding spoilers because I just may read it. Looking forward to reading your review. :)

  13. I remember reading this one and it was a good story. I do enjoy this series. I have to say that sadly, I have skipped to the end of a story when I was worried about a certain character or was sure I knew what was going to happen. It has been a long time since I did that though.

  14. I only skip ahead if a book is super intense and I need to know if a character (or animal) I like survives... I'm currently re-reading The Nature of a Lady by Roseanna M White and the first line is: "He was a prince at sea." Have a great week!


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