
Friday, January 6, 2023

January 6th's Friday Post

It's the first Friday of 2023!  That must mean it is time for the first Friday post of the year.  As usual, I'll be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I will be featuring teasers from Aerobics Can Be Deadly by Ryan Rivers.

This is the first novel in the Bucket List Mysteries featuring friends Sho Tanaka and Levi Blue who get involved in solving murders (this is me after all).  I finished it over the weekend and completely enjoyed it.

Having said that, I'll admit, it doesn't get off to the best start:

I studied the bucket my sister, Jenny, placed in front of me.

I don't know, that sentence doesn't grab me as much as I would like.  Did it work better for you than it does for me?

However, this teaser from 56% into the book will certainly get your attention:

“Something’s wrong,” I said to Levi.
In what felt like déjà vu, [Spoiler] dropped to the floor.

You'll have to read the book to find out just who dropped to the floor.  Naturally, that was the end of a chapter, and it was a start the next chapter right away moment.

As I said, I enjoyed this book.  I will be reviewing it Tuesday, so I hope you'll come back to read my review.

Right now, let's switch gears for the Book Blogger Hop.  This week's question is:

What was the first book you read this year?

As I confessed on my blog recently, I count books read by when I review them rather than when I actually finished reading them.  I know, I know, I'm lying right now in all those reading challenges I just signed up for.  But I figure the three books or so that I read in 2022 I'm counting for this year are made up in the three or so books I'll read in December 2023 but count toward 2024's total and challenges.

Anyway, the first book I'm counting is Fatal Fascinator by Jenn McKinlay, which I reviewed on Tuesday, the day it came out.  However, the first book I actually read the majority of in 2023 was...Aerobics Can Be Deadly, the one I just gave teasers from.  I read about 2/3 of it on the 1st and 2nd.  And the first book I will read completely in 2023 is Oh Danny Girl by C. Michele Dorsey, which I just finished yesterday.

That's it for me today.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I like your style of describing your reactions to the quotes. Makes me want to explore the books.

    My quotes this week

  2. I really need the first chapter to grab me. I tend to snap books shut rather abruptly when the start isn't promising.

  3. My first line comes from the first chapter of The Mark if Zgrace by KimberleyWoodhouse:
    Monday, May 3, 1909 El Tovar Hotel, Grand Canyon
    Spoons clattered against pots. Steam sputtered out from under lids. The scent of fresh-baked bread and brewing coffee filled the air.

  4. That first line was funny.

    I review as soon as I finish reading and sometimes postpone finishing a book if I won't have time to review. Weird I know!

    I haven't finished reading any books yet this year.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  5. Happy Friday!
    I am finishing up The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz, so I will share a line from there.
    "Davie is in the tower."
    I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. You know we all have our own way of counting books and assigning them to challenges, etc. - there's no book police, so bang on! Whatever your little heart desires.....It does sound like you're off to a busy January though, how ever you count the books! Look forward to more.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  7. This sounds good! I don't think I've seen it before, but I'm intrigued for more. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  8. You're right, that first doesn't quite grab me either but the book sounds great!

  9. The first line wouldn't grab me either. As long as the first few chapters do,then I will continue. Have a great weekend!

  10. I haven't actually finished reading anything this year, but I'm like 70% of the way through Midsummer Dreams at Mill Grange by Jenny Kane which I am LOVING

  11. Looks like an interesting book, and I can see how the title could be true - aerobics probably would be "deadly" for me too, since I'm quite out of condition these days! ;-) Happy Reading!

  12. I haven't heard about this book before, but I'm intrigued by the quotes. I always knew aerobics could be deadly which is why I procrastinate doing it :)

  13. I don't know. The title along with that particular first line is quite interesting. Our library has that title, so I may just check that out. It's not my normal genre of books, but it never hurts to try something new.

    My first completed book of 2023 was "The Dark Tower and Other Stories," by C. S. Lewis.

  14. New author for me. I do love a good cozy, so this will go on my TBR.

    Come see my book beginning!

  15. Maybe it's a little dishonest to count books previously read in a different year, but your logic for why it's okay is also pretty sound. It's not like there are challenge police that are gonna be knocking on your door anyway. Have a great weekend. - Katie

  16. I think counting books by whatever works best for you is good! I'm absolutely terrible about linking up with challenges - to the point I've stopped signing up for them - and I think your way would really improve my chances of actually linking up. I'm not sure about this one. Like you the first sentence didn't grab me but it looks like it could be good and is a bit different.

  17. The first book I read this year was The Rose and the Thistle by Laura Frantz. I'm currently reading The sisters of Sea View by Julie Klassen. The first line is: "April 1819. Sarah Summers carefully lifted the family heirloom, a warm mantle of nostalgia settling over her." Hope you had a great weekend!


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