
Saturday, April 1, 2023

April 1st's Weekly TV Thoughts

No foolin', I've got some TV thoughts to share with you.

The Company You Keep – Apparently, I was wrong last week and Emma hadn’t figured out it was Charlie in the mask.  But she knows now.  Again, I wasn’t expecting these revelations so soon in the series, but I love that things are out in the open now.  Things are about to get interesting.  Not sure I buy the “I love yous.”  Maybe it’s just me, but it’s way too soon.

Quantum Leap – I love how they worked the results of the betrayal last week into this week’s adventure.  I figured the flight attendant wasn’t involved, but what a thrill ride.  I was glad to see that Ziggy wasn’t purposefully being the leak, just a hack being the reason he was being used against them.  Added some fun complications, although I felt like it was more in name only since they were still able to get the information they needed.  And that cliffhanger!  On multiple levels, I’m very curious where they are going to go with this.

Night Court – I guess I missed it and they were just planning the wedding instead of actually getting married that night.  That confusion aside (and I was too lazy to go back and rewind the DVR), this was a fun episode.  I knew what the big hang up was going to be all along, but it still provided a nice quiet moment.  And plenty of laughs with the various storylines along the way.

Superman & Lois – Lois running from something, never thought I’d see it, but I can believe it.  At least they gave her a good story to be distracted by, something she’s been pursuing for years.  Obviously, they are trying to build their own Superman using his blood.  That’s going to be interesting down the road.  Sarah was dead on with some of what she was saying to Lana.  Obviously, it hit a little too close to home.

Gotham Knights – More of a stand-alone episode than we’ve seen so far.  Yes, it advanced a few things, but nothing major.  It was mostly focused on the hostage situation, both setting it up and saving the day.  We did learn quite a bit about the characters, and I’m still liking them.

Will Trent – Angie is going to self-destruct.  That was quite a twist at the end, an extremely sad twist.  The show is absolutely tragic.  But we have a few weeks off before they build to the end of the season, so I can recover a bit from the dark.

The Mandalorian – A fun episode with plenty of keep us interesting.  It was obvious where things were going early, but once the action started.  I’m intrigued with them moving home world’s and what the fight to retake Mandalor is going to look like.  And I’m very curious what that final scene was all about.

The Flash – Seriously?  In a final season that is too full to offer any kind of closure to Legends of Tomorrow, we get an episode focused on a character from Supergirl, a show that got a series finale.  And a final season.  This just proves that Legends was the red headed step child of the Arrowverse.  I mean, it started as a direct spin off of The Flash!  At least we did get some character development for Iris, which I liked.  But couldn’t we have gotten something for Legends out of the season?

Survivor – Do I feel badly for Matt.  Yes.  And no.  I mean, why go climb a rock just because?  It’s risky.  What a horrible way to leave something you’ve trained and work toward for years.  Carolyn grew on me and then annoyed me in this episode.  I’m not hating her as much as I thought I would, but I’m not loving her either.

True Lies – That was the most fun since the pilot.  I liked the fact that both Helen and Harry struggled with parenting (and “parenting”), but for different reasons.  Not sure I completely agreed with the approach with their daughter at the end (she had some attitude issues that should have been addressed as well), but overall I liked that, too.  And plenty of action with a nice twist along the way.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn could win survivor! I'm ready for the merge next week.


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