
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Book Review: I Sleep Around by Sue Ann Jaffarian

Stars: 5 out of 5
Pros: Fun yet realistic look at living life on the road in a van
Cons: I’m only reading about it, not trying it first hand
The Bottom Line:
Living on the road
Read about the ups and downs
Makes me want to go

Honest Look at Van Life

I’ve read many of Sue Ann Jaffarian’s mysteries over the years, and I blame her friendship for my love of mud runs and my increased listening to audiobooks over the last couple of years.  I was anxious to see more about her life since she took to the road in her Winnebago Travato Class B RV after she retired from her job as a paralegal here in Southern California.  That’s the subject of her memoir, I Sleep Around.  I’m not at all surprised to say I enjoyed it.

The book really does break itself down into three parts.  It starts with Sue Ann’s decision to hit the road full time after she retired and her planning for her new life on the road.  Included in this section are many practical tips for those who might be considering such a lifestyle themselves.  This is far from an exhaustive list of what to consider, but it is a great place to start.

From there, the book goes into her first year on the road, from the rough start to the joys and new friends she made along the way.  Sue Ann is honest about her struggles and her triumphs as she sees just what her new life entails.  She shares some of the wisdom she’s gained along the way, too.

When Sue Ann originally envisioned this book, she planned to stop at the end of the first year.  That changed, however.  You see, she retired at the very end of 2018, so her first year on the road was 2019.  Yes, in the final section of the book, she does talk about her experiences living on the road during the pandemic.  This is a short section of the book, and I would include her wrap up thoughts in this section.

I’ll admit, when Sue Ann first announced her post retirement plans, I was one of the friends she talks about in the book who was a little skeptical.  Mainly because this life seemed very out of character for her.  But a large part of me was very jealous because it sounds fun to me.  And my skepticism quickly melted away as she began to work toward her goals.  As a result, it thrilled my heart to read this book and see just how much she is loving her life on the road.

At times, I wish she had spent a little more time talking about some of the places she visited along the way.  Even so, this book will give you wanderlust, and I loved what we got about some of her stops along the way – places I now want to visit.  If I can’t be out there in person, I can at least enjoy the virtual visits, right?

As I said before, Sue Ann is very honest about the struggles of life on the road as well.  While most of the people she meets are wonderful, she has met a few not so nice people along the way.  Fortunately, nothing dangerous.  But she has encountered some dangerous weather and some frustrating mechanical failures.  This book doesn’t sugar coat what her new life is like.  But it also doesn’t dwell on those problems.  Her joy in her new adventure comes through.  She just wants to be honest for anyone considering the life like she is now living.

If you want a realistic look at life on the road, you’ll be glad you picked up I Sleep Around.  I only wish I could head out and try this life for myself right now.  Sadly, I have to keep working – at least for now.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.


  1. I have this on pre-order and can't wait to read it. I follow Sue Ann (and Moxie!) on Patreon and love living vicariously through her jaunts and journeys.

  2. I've never read any of her books and I'm not much of a traveler, but this sounds good. I can enjoy life on the road through a book like this. :)

  3. I've read a couple of her books and enjoyed them and this sounds so fun! I would have been skeptical too but I'm definitely looking forward to reading about life on the road.


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