
Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review: Fondant Fumble by Jenn McKinlay (Cupcake Bakery Mysteries #16)

Stars: 4 out of 5
Pros: Characters, laughs, subplot
Cons: Mystery could have been stronger
The Bottom Line:
The newest franchise
Football players bring danger
Fun book as always

Murder Stings a Bakery Opening

If I were coming up with themes for a cupcake bakery themed cozy mystery series, I’m not sure I would have picked football to be one of them, but that’s just what Jenn McKinlay did for Fondant Fumble, the sixteenth in her series. As a fan of the series, I figured she would make it work, and I was right. 

Fairytale Cupcakes, the bakery that Mel Cooper DeLuca started with her friends Angie and Tate, has been franchising all over the country for years, but the newest franchise is going to be a little closer to home. Keogh Graham and Tyler Matthews, stars of the local NFL team, the Arizona Scorpions, are looking to start a business to start building for their retirement from the game. Keogh especially is a quick study at making cupcakes, and Mel is enjoying making friends with both of them. 

Their location’s grand opening goes well – that is until the Scorpions’s owner shows up. He’s not at all happy with his star players doing anything that will take their focus off football. The next morning, the man is dead in the middle of the new bakery. With the police looking at Keogh as their prime suspect, Mel once again finds herself trying to figure out who has the ingredients for murder. 

I love these characters. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be back for book sixteen, right? After this many books, I look forward to catching up with these friends. Obviously, some characters get more page time than others, but that’s to be expected. The new characters were just as great, and I loved spending time with them. 

Unfortunately, the mystery could have been a little stronger. A couple additional suspects would have helped, and a few more twists. Now, don’t misunderstand, I did enjoy the mystery, and it is good. It just felt a little under baked. 

Which brings us to the subplot. I figured out early on what was happening there, and I was ready to roll my eyes, but then it took a turn. I was delighted. In fact, it became one of my favorite parts of the book. 

Anyone who reads Jenn’s books knows to expect to laugh. That holds true again here. I laughed multiple times as I was reading this book at the dialogue as the characters bantered with each other. 

If this book leaves you craving cupcakes, you’ll be happy to hear there are four recipes at the end. They sound delicious as always. 

Overall, Fondant Fumble is another fun entry in this long running series. Fans old and new will gobble it down. 

Be sure to enjoy the rest of the Cupcake Bakery Mysteries

Note: I received an ARC of this book


  1. I always enjoy this series but do agree there were some weak points in the mystery here.

  2. Fondant Fumble is an interesting title. I guess it might be a bit tricky to come up with titles 16 books in to a series


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