
Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1st's Weekly TV Thoughts

Summer is here, and you can tell by how little TV I'm watching.  All of it is on Monday nights, too, although I don't watch it all on Mondays.

American Ninja Warrior – Now, I’m not knocking the athletes who do this show in the slightest.  But I definitely feel like there is a bit of luck involved, especially when you start racing.  One little slip, and you are out of the season, or you lose a competition.  We see this with people who have a save on stage one in the finals and mess up once but come back to finish with no problems.  I say all this because seeing last year’s winners lose like they did was hard.  But I am also happy to see new winners crowned.  And they certainly deserved to win.  And I do like seeing new winners come through all the time.  It would be boring if the same person/team won every year.

Weakest Link – I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a team complete a chain.  It’s certainly rare.  And right off the bat, too, no missed questions in that first round.  Of course, I called it that they wouldn’t bank in the next round, and sure enough, they got zero.  Overall, a solid performance with a larger amount of money.  And the contestants were fun.

Race to Survivor: New Zealand – I’ll be interested to see how these finishes hold over time.  Right now, I feel like we’ve established a top tier and a bottom tier, but there could have just been some luck involved in this first race.  Wasn’t surprised at the team that went home.  Rather expected them to be out early on, actually.

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