
Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29th's Weekly TV Thoughts

Race to Survivor: New Zealand – As much as I liked the team that was eliminated tonight, I’m not sorry to see them go.  Watching them was hurting MY ankle.  I do like that they kept going and finished.  And I was glad to get the update on the other team from last week that they would be okay.  What amazing catches some of the teams were able to get.

The Acolyte – Definitely had the action this time around.  Of course, too much action is as bad as too little.  It needs to be going somewhere.  I found myself getting board with some of those fights as well.  They looked great, but I don’t think I was connected enough with the characters to care.  I suspect I was supposed to be given what happened.  I feel like the victims in a horror movie get better outcomes than this.  Too much too quickly.  And, also, are these Jedi worse than storm troopers?  Plus we get another random side change.  And we're supposed to believe that no one picked up on the twin swap?

1 comment:

  1. Bazil suspects that it's Mae, but I did wonder how Sol didn't know. How did he not sense it? I agree about there being too much action. The fights just seemed to go on and on. However, this was my favorite episode so far and it did hold my interest the entire time. I can't say the same for any of the previous episodes.


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