
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Movie Review: psych 3 - This is Gus

Stars: 3 out of 5
Pros: Fun seeing the characters again; laughs
Cons: Climax is very anticlimactic
The Bottom Line:
Gus getting married
Plenty of laughs and banter
Ending needed work

“I Haven’t Heard it Both Ways.”

When I first took a great deal on Peacock’s streaming service for a year, I immediately knew I’d be watching psych 3: This is Gus at some point over those 12 months.  Turns out it took me almost the entire year, but that was because I decided to watch it with some friends who are also die-hard fans of the show, and it took us a while to arrange our schedules.  While the company was great, and the movie had some laughs, it could have been much better.

This movie picks up months after the second movie ends.  Gus (Dule Hill) is now an expectant father and his fiancĂ©e, Selene (Jazmyn Simon) is due any time.  She wants them to be married before the baby comes, and Gus has thrown himself into planning it.  However, there’s just one little snag – Selene is already married and has to track down her husband to get a divorce.  She insists that she can take care of it, but she doesn’t seem to be making any progress.

Enter Shawn (James Roday Rodriguez) who starts trying to track down this ex himself.  However, he keeps hitting snags, like the fact that Selene doesn’t appear to actually exist.  Can he figure out what is going on before the big day comes?

Given some of Gus’s disastrous love interests over the years on the TV show, Shawn’s concern for his friend is well founded, and it is a great hook to pull us into the story.  For most of the movie, things progress well, with some interesting twists that made me want to find out what was going to happen.

And there are also some nice laughs along the way at Shawn and Gus’s antics.  They still have great chemistry together.  We all enjoyed their banter as we were watching.  There are funny meta jokes as well; I’ve got to admit, I didn’t catch all of them until I was thinking about them later.  That’s how fast they come.  And they finally make a reference to The Princess Bride.  About time!

It’s the last act where things fall apart.  Yes, I was rather expecting some of what happened in it, but those events took over.  There were some great jokes, but they kept milking those jokes.  It was time to move on already since they weren’t funny any more.  Then there’s the fact that, because this took so much time, several storylines were left unresolved, including a couple of sub-plots.  Actually, I think one of those “sub-plots” was only in my mind since the character who was involved in it really only had a cameo.  Maybe it was just designed to allow us to see him?

And in case the “to be continued” wasn’t obvious, there is a mid-credits scene that shows where they plan to go with the fourth movie.  Considering this movie came out about 3 years ago, who knows when we might get that movie.  I get it, everyone’s schedules are crazy, and the strikes didn’t help.  But I hate not knowing if we will get any resolution.

On the plus side, all the acting is strong.  I really enjoyed seeing the characters again.  I love what they are doing with Timothy Omundson’s Lassiter.  His subplot gave the movie the serious grounding it needed to counter the antics in the main story.

Fans will enjoy seeing the gang again in psych 3, but if you are a casual fan, there’s no need to rush out and watch this movie.

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