
Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30th's Friday Post

We made it to another Friday!  For those of us here in the US, it's even a long weekend since Monday is Labor Day.  But before we get too far into the weekend, how about a Friday Post?  Once again, I'll be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

My teasers for the first three will be coming from A Royal Affair by Allison Montclair.

This is the second Sparks & Bainbridge Mystery.  It features a couple of friends who have started a matchmaking agency in London in 1946.  They are meeting with a client as the book opens, and we get this exchange:

"Men find me intimidating," boomed Miss Hardiman. "That's the problem."
"Surely not," Sparks protested.

Yes, that made me laugh, and there is plenty of humor in the book as it goes along.

We find more humor on page 56 with this exchange:

"Good night, sweet ladies," he said, rising and walking them to the door. "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, won't you?"
"But those are my favorite Greeks," protested Iris.

Not much about the plot in either of these quotes.  Granted, I didn't have much to work with on page 56 since was only a couple of paragraphs to finish a chapter.

Anyway, I'll be back Tuesday with my full review, but for now, know that I enjoyed it.

Meanwhile, let's just over to this week's Book Blogger Hop.  The question is:

Are you a member of any book clubs, and if so, what has been your most memorable book to discuss with them?

I'm not a member of a traditional book club.  While I think I would enjoy discussing books with other, I don't have time in my reading schedule for someone else to pick a book for me to read.

However, I am in a walking book club a library about 30 minutes from me puts on.  Not that we've met this summer because of the heat.  We meet up a couple of times a month and walk while talking about books we've been reading recently.  I enjoy it, and the fact that I don't have to fit another book into my schedule is wonderful.

That's it for me.  Have a great weekend no matter how long it is.


  1. I think one of my friends would absolutely love this book. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That sounds like fun, Mark. I would love doing a book club like that. Have a fantastic long weekend 😊

  3. That sounds like a fun read.

    If I ever joined any book clubs it would have to be very flexible on time and genre!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  4. Thanks for sharing a tempting bit of this book!

  5. I'm so surprised to see how few readers I know belong to book clubs!

    I like the idea of a story involving a matchmaking agency in 1946.

  6. IWhat great excerpts, I'm glad to here you enjoyed your book!

    here's my book beginning:

  7. I'm in two book clubs, one from my church and one with old work colleagues from the school where we all taught together. I love them both so much. Most of my favorite books are determined by the group discussions in our club meetings.

  8. This sounds really good. I enjoy books set during the 40s. Hope you have a great week! :)


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