

Hi, and welcome to my little reviewing corner of the internet.  I've been reviewing since 2001, first at Amazon and then at Epinions.  I decided it was time to collect all those reviews in one place, which explains the huge dump in the first half of 2013 as I copied those old reviews over.

What will I be reviewing here?  Just about anything is fair game.  However there are some things I focus on.

Books - I always have a book going.  I tend to read mostly mysteries, but I do still enjoy children's books as well.

Movies - I still enjoy movies aimed at kids and families, but I do watch just about anything.

TV on DVD - I love to watch TV, and TV on DVD sets are killing me budget and space wise.  But they also provide a fun thing for me to review.

Music - I listen to lots of Christian music and have a very large Christmas music collection.

Ornaments - A couple years back, I started collecting Hallmark ornaments.  They are a blast to review.

Those are the major categories, but you will find that I will slip in some travel reviews, video game reviews, and who knows what else from time to time.

Oh yeah, I'm also a Disnerd of the first order, so expect lots of things Disney related to show up.


While I do occasionally accept something to review, I purchase most of what I review.  As a result, you'll find a lot of positive reviews here because if I don't like something, I am not likely to seek out the sequel.  However, if I don't like something, I will be honest about it.  I always post honest reviews.