
Friday, March 3, 2023

March 3rd's Friday Post

Can you believe it's the first Friday of March?  Time is flying.  But, if it's Friday, that must mean it is time for a Friday Post, where I will be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I will be pulling quotes from Vinyl Resting Place by Olivia Blacke.

This is the first in her Record Shop Mysteries.  I actually finished it already, and I really enjoyed it.  Here's how the book starts:

The best part about working for the family business is that they can't fire me without causing all sorts of unwanted drama.  The worst part is I can't ever quit, not unless I want to hear about it every single Thanksgiving for the rest of my life - although I would put with a whole lot for a plateful of Uncle Calvin's deep-fried turkey.

That opening really gives a feel for the tone of the book.  There's a great sense of humor just beneath the surface, and family plays a big part in the story.

Both of those come into play in this quote from page 56 as well:

Mom nodded.  "Y'all know your uncle.  He's..."
"Reckless?" I suggested.
"A rule breaker?" Maggie said.
"A juvenile delinquent that never grew up?" Tansy contributed.

My review is written, and I will be posting it this coming Thursday.  I hope you'll come back then to see what I thought of it.

In the meantime, let's take a look at this week's Book Blogger Hop.  The question is:

Have you joined the library reading app, Libby?

I have.  I mainly use it for audiobooks, but since Overdrive, the old app, was retired, I've switched over to Libby.  In fact, I just finished an audiobook via Libby this past week.

That's it from me.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Oh, I do like the sound of this one. Fun!

  2. Sounds like a fun, fast-paced read!!! Happy weekend!

  3. I need to read this one! I love a good cozy. Happy Friday!

  4. Sounds like an interesting book - and I use Libby for all my audio books and library ebooks. It's very convenient.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  5. The opening lines are very accurate about family businesses! Happy Reading!

  6. Looking forward to reading your review of this book. I'm a seasonal reader whenever possible, so it looks like I'll save it for Thanksgiving. Have a great weekend! :-)

  7. I loved this book. It's one of my favorites. I use Libby too for audio books.

  8. I love this catchy title. I agree about working in family businesses, too. My SIL is stuck in such a conundrum.

  9. That sounds like a fun book to read! I have not joined the Libby app but I will have to check it out. Have a great weekend!

  10. What a great beginning! This is on my list. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  11. This was such a fun read! I hope you're enjoying it. I use Libby as well but exclusively for audio books.

  12. Y'all got me feeling like I'm missing out by not being on Libby. Have a great weekend.

    My BBH if you care to visit --

    Mark, don' t forget that you can check out magazines on it also. It's incredible how many the library offers on Libby...

  14. That's a great title! I'm currently reading Depending on the Cowboy by Jill Kemerer. The first line is: "Women made him nervous." Have a great week!

  15. I'm so late! It's been a crazy, busy weekend. Anyway, I'm currently reading To Win Her Hand by Jen Geigle Johnson. It's cute!
    "Lord Featherstone craned his neck until he could no longer see Lady Loveluck exiting outside to wait for her carriage."
    I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  16. Oh my! This one sounds so fun, from that cover and its title and those peeks into the book,,,Here is my Friday post


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