
Saturday, March 4, 2023

March 4th's Weekly TV Thoughts

Believe it or not, even with this long list, I'm missing something from my list below.  I plan to check out True Lies, but for some reason, my DVR didn't record it right.  Didn't appear to be available On Demand either, but fortunately, it is being rebroadcast tonight, so I can talk about it next week.

Meanwhile, here's what I did watch this last week.

The Company You Keep – There are still a few too many characters for me, but I am beginning to get everyone and their relationships straight.  I’m very intrigued to see where they are going to wind up going with this, but I know I have a long way to go until then.  They are on a collisions course.  I just wonder if the show will be on the air long enough for us to see it happen.

Quantum Leap – Glad we were back to non-lecture episodes this week.  No, we didn’t get a bunch of story advancement on the season long story, but it did give Ian a chance to shine, which was nice.  And I loved the main storyline.  I figured out most of where the story was going to go by the half way point, but it was still so fun seeing it actually play out.

Night Court – That episode was absolutely bonkers, which means I absolutely loved it.  I wonder if we are supposed to know who Abby’s mom is from the original series.  Or if that is something that happened off screen or after the series.  Either way, so many great laughs in this episode.

Will Trent – I found that episode completely enjoyable.  I was laughing at the awkward scene between Will’s partner and the doctor.  Both cases were interesting and not super obvious.  More episodes like this and less like the ones we started the season with, and I would definitely consider watching beyond the end of this season.

The Mandalorian – I’m not surprised at the quest we are on for this season.  I am surprised by the need for the robot.  He must know something I don’t remember he knows, so Mando needs him for that reason.  I’m curious how many of the threads introduced here, like the pirates, will continue for the rest of the season, or if any of them are just one off things.

The Flash – They outed their villain and what she is after pretty quickly.  I thought she was the big bad for the season, but maybe just for the first arc if we are doing arcs again.  I’m glad Mark turned good again, but is he really dead?  Or is he going to go back to being bad if he’s alive.  I could see it going either way.

Survivor – Wow!  So much in just that one episode.  I always hate to see someone leave the game due to medical, but to leave on day 1!  And three people seen by the medical team in the first episode.  Although the one guy was so stupid climbing around when he didn’t need to.  What was he thinking?  And that tribal council?  So many advantages played already.  Brandon was smart to play his idol, but only three people voted and one single vote determined the outcome.  This feels like it is going to be a bonkers season.

Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test – I really was wondering at various points if anyone would make it through.  And only two of them did.  I felt sorry for both guys.  So close to the end.  You almost made it.  And yet, it didn’t happen.  But I’m so happy for both of those ladies.  Definitely a job well done.

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