
Sunday, March 5, 2023

March 5th's Sunday/Monday Post

Time to start another week, and let's do that with another Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Last week, I was talking about all the rain we had.  But I didn't talk about the worst part for me personally.  Just before I started working on last week's Sunday/Monday post, I discovered that my garage had flooded during our 4.5 inches of rain the day before.  I was but wasn't surprised.  It was a problem I used to have in the past, but I hadn't had it in about 10 year despite some heavy rain.  I was hoping that my HOA had finally fixed it.  You see, the rain comes through the side wall because my garage is lower than the walk way next to my building.  There's a planter strip right next to the garage, and when it gets too much water, my garage floods.

Anyway, it hasn't been an issue in years, and I've gotten lazy about keeping the area that can flood clear.  Yeah, my garage was a mess.  It didn't get that deep, less than in inch, but the water flowed from one thing to another, so almost everything I had on the floor was wet.  So I spent some time Sunday and Monday cleaning and throwing things out.  Tuesday, I put things back so I could get my car in the garage again.  I wish we'd get some nice warm weather so I could completely air out the garage, but it should be fine now.

The good side of all of this?  It gave me more time to finish my audiobook!  I wouldn't have finished it yet if I'd had the week I expected to have.  I was expecting a quiet week, but I wouldn't have prioritized listening to my audiobook.  See, there's always a positive side to everything.

Let's see, what else was happening this week?  It was quarter end at work, so it was crazy busy.  I worked a few hours Saturday morning to get a report done that needs to be done first thing Monday morning.  It actually came together for the first time in months without too much extra work, so I feel very good about that.  Hopefully that gives me a good jump on this week, which will also be crazy busy.

We got a second snow flurry on Wednesday.  Again, it wasn't cold enough to stick, but it was definitely falling.  It's warmed up to the 50's now.  Slight chance of rain, but that's about it.  I'm ready for spring weather, however.  No, I don't care what you say, this isn't spring weather.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I talked about having themed weeks on my blog?  This is going to be one of them.  Both of the books I've reviewing are record store set cozy mysteries.

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post (you are here)
Monday - Movie Review: Pitch Perfect 3
Tuesday - Book Review: Record Store Reckoning by J. C. Kenney
Wednesday - Ornament Review: That Holy Night
Thursday - Book Review: Vinyl Resting Place by Olivia Blacke
Friday - Friday Post
Friday - Movie Review: Scream VI
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

Buckle up, it's a five book week.  But the good news is I didn't spend much money on them.

June is looking at a busy month for me.  I'm looking at it thinking I might just be reading ARCs, which is something I try hard not to do.  But so many different books I want to read are coming out that month, a couple by authors who had real life get in the way of them finishing their books like normal, so it's been a while since they had new books out.

But that's beside the point.  The first June ARC has arrived - Charlotte Illes is Not a Detective by Katie Siegel.  Honestly, I'm not sure how I'm going to enjoy this one, but it's hard to resist the premise of a main character from a middle grade mystery series as an adult.  We'll see what I think when I read it.

I also took advantage of some Kindle sales to snag books that sounded interesting.  I'm woefully behind on J.C. Eaton's Sophie Kimball mysteries, but since Molded 4 Murder was on sale, I couldn't resist.

The Trust by M. H. Eccleston was on sale as well.  I hadn't heard of it until I got the alert about the sale, but it sounds like it could be fun.

Likewise, I hadn't hard of A Spoonful of Murder by J. M. Hall, but a book on sale is hard to pass up.  And it sounds fun.

Finally, the copy of Death Checked Out by Leah Dobrinska I'd won thanks to The Bookish Hour arrived.  I'd actually had this book on my wishlist, so I was thrilled to win it.  Now, to find a time to read it.  If only I could read as fast as I collect books, right?

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm actually reading a book I got last year right after the LA Times Festival of Books.  It was then that I discovered author Betty Hechtman was a local author and had set at least one of her series in Southern California.  I had to give it a try, so I'm reading Hooked on Murder.  It originally came out in 2008, so I'm very behind on her books.  I'm only a couple of chapters in, but so far, I'm enjoying it.

That's it from me.  Have a great week!


  1. Keeping up with adding books to your shelf/kindle is always tough! I'm really backing away from ARCs for a while....I got a bit overloaded and I'm feeling the need to read some of my hundreds of back list titles, which I just can't keep up with AND read ARCs. Have a terrific week and hope you make some headway on the pile of books! :)
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  2. I drove into So Cal on Wednesday. I drove through some rain, light hail and freezing rain. But, luckily no snow and the roads were not icy. I'm glad you got your garage sorted.

  3. Sorry to hear about the flood. 50's sounds pretty good. the sun reappeared here somewhat after several months absence but I'm ready for spring

  4. Sorry to hear about your garage flooding. I’m ready for spring too but I’d even be happy with 50 degree temps here in Wisconsin.


  5. glad you got that audio book finished while working on your garage!

  6. Oh no! So sorry to hear about your garage! I am soo ready for spring weather here too.

    All of your books look great!

  7. Sorry about your garage! I'd keep nagging the HOA until it got fixed.

  8. You have so much fun with your reading. I love the idea of themed-reading weeks. I certainly, though unintentionally, am having one next week.

    Ugh. Cleaning out after flooding! Very hard work.

    Have a good week, Mark!

  9. So sorry about the garage incident. I'm glad it wasn't worse and I hope they fix it soon. Nice silver lining with the audiobooks, though! Death Checked Out is on my TBR as well. I hope your week goes smoothly. :-)

  10. Oh no, the garage flooding sounds like a total drag. My new place has fared well so far with all the rain (fingers crossed this continues). But I have thought about what things I have directly on the ground in the garage. I think I'll go have another look to see if I can remedy any of it, just in case.

  11. I feel your flooded garage pain. At my apartment complex in Arizona we each had a parking space under an awning with a storage shed at the head of the space. First monsoon of the year that I moved in, I discovered the sheds are not water tight and all my precious childhood books were ruined and had to be trashed.

  12. Sorry to hear about your garage! Hopefully you didn't lose to much stuff! Yay for being able to finish your audio book. I have about 15 minutes left on mine and I am HOPING to get to it this afternoon, we will see. I appreciate you are the type to find good in everything, that is such a lost art.

  13. Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about the garage. How awful! Glad you were able to finish your audio book. Your upcoming books all look good. I hope you enjoy them and have a great week!

  14. ouch, so sorry about your flooding!
    A Spoonful of Murder does sound fun! Enjoy

  15. I'm so sorry about the garage flooding! How annoying but so glad you were able to get more audio book time in. Definitely a silver lining. I love that J.C. Eaton series! I think I've enjoyed all the books I've read so far. Have a great week!

  16. What a bummer. Water is the source of life but it also a complete mess maker when it comes to stuff and building materials, etc. Ugh. I feel your pain. Glad you are enjoyed the audiobook while you were clearing up the mess. Have a good week.

  17. Oh dear how awful to have a flood in your garage. Great that you could throw in an audiobook while cleaning up... but still. Nice haul of books. Sales are great when you get the book you would like to read.

  18. A themed reading week sounds fun!! Sorry to hear about the flooding in your garage. What a pain!

    Hope you have a better week this week.

  19. Sorry about the flooding. Water does cause damage. Nice you could see the silver lining in your audio listening!
    Mary @Bookfan

  20. Sorry to hear about your garage flooding. It was nice to be able to listen to an audiobook while cleaning up though. I got Charlotte Isles too and am looking forward to it. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  21. Sorry to hear that your garage got flooded.
    A spoon full of Murder sound interesting. Have a great week.

  22. A middle grade mystery series character as an adult is an interesting concept for a book. There are some characters that I read about when I was that age that I could develop some curiosity about how they turned out.

  23. Sorry about the flooding! Our basement is doing the same thing right now, and it's really irritating. Glad you got lots of listening in, though!

  24. Ooh, a flooded garage does not sound like fun. I hope nothing valuable/sentimental was damaged.

    We saw just a few--tiny hailstones? Snowflakes? for just a few minutes in Escondido last week. I thought I saw them in the air but couldn't believe my eyes. Then I saw whatever it was on my car. I probably only saw 10 pieces of it total but it was completely unexpected. I'm ready for some sunshine.

    Enjoy your week!

  25. Sorry to hear about the garage. Spring can't come soon enough. Warm weather and sunshine.

    Looks like you accomplished a lot of great reading. Hope you enjoy your week.

  26. Sorry to hear about your garage. I feel your pain although I caught my water heater leak before it spread too far... and a hall carpet soaked up lot of the moisture.
    My eyes went straight to the dog on the cover of Molded 4 Murder. I am such a sucker for animals on covers. :-)
    I hope you enjoy all of your reading!

  27. Listening to audiobooks while cleaning and doing chores is the only thing that gets me to do those necessary tasks! Too bad about your garage. We have had a flood once in 20 years in the basement during an extremely wet spring and have gotten complacent about keeping stuff up off the floor down there. I'm reading one ARC and one older book that's been on my TBR for ten years this week. I don't like to read all ARCs, usually, either!

  28. Good for you looking on the bright side. I hope you get some dry weather soon!



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