
Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1st's Friday Post

Welcome to Friday, and a holiday weekend for those of us in the US.  I hope if you get the extra day off, you have something fun planned.

But before we get there, we need to get through Friday, and I'm going to kick off Friday with a Friday Post, where I will link up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I will be using quotes from Bring the Night by J. R. Sanders.

This is the third book in his Nate Ross series.  Nate is a PI in 1930's Los Angeles.  That is set up pretty well in the opening sentence.

Suicide was all the rage in L.A. in the summer of '39.

I think that's a great opening.  It certainly caught my attention, but it also sets the time and place very clearly.

Moving on to page 56, we get this exchange:

"I stopped by the library earlier, and he wasn't there.  They said he didn't show for work or even call in today."
She sat, frowned.  "Well, that's odd.  He likes to take time off and drive up the coast occasionally, but it's not like him not to call work if he wants a day off."

How does this missing man complicate things?  I leave it for you to find out.  I've finished this book, and I enjoyed it.  My full review will be up on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, let's finish off the week with this week's Book Blogger Hop.  The question is:

Please suggest a book for Billy's 42nd birthday.

Happy birthday!  I'm going to go with the easy answer to this one - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.  I'm assuming that you've read it, Billy, but if not, you'll understand why when you do read it.  (And yes, I realize that this mystery reader is recommending a science fiction classic.)

That's it for me.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like a very intriguing read, Mark. Have a great holiday weekend ☕📚🌞💛

  2. Excellent snippets! You keep sharing mysteries I've never read that sound entertaining. Thank you!

    Happy weekend!

  3. Leaves a lot to the imagination! Happy weekend!

  4. That opening sentence makes me wonder if suicide was really the rage in '39?! It's weird, but I just didn't think of it being common back then. Have a good weekend!

  5. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently finishing One Kiss Alone by Nichole Van. I just discovered her, is she an amazing storyteller!!!
    "Ethan guided his horse up the lane to Thistle Muir, so very soul-heavy and weary he sagged in the saddle."
    I hope you have an excellent weekend! 😀❤️📚

  6. I love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Scott Adams' sense of humor cracks me up. I love the sound of this book. I really like that setting.


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