
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day's Sunday/Monday Post

Hi and Happy Mother's Day, especially to my mom!  This week, I'll be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

You'll notice that Mailbox Monday is no longer on the list.  Sadly, the hosts aren't able to keep it going, and no one stepped up.  I'm bummed, but I can't say anything since I didn't volunteer to take it over either.

It was a fairly quiet week.  Just work.  Which is driving me crazy, but it's the weekend, so I don't have to think about it any more.

I did discover that my local movie theater has discounted movies every Tuesday, so I went to the theater this last week.  First time in over a year.  You'll get the benefit of that on Monday when I review a current, just released in the theater movie.  Shocking, isn't it?

Also shocking, I have my first music review in I don't know how long coming this week, too.

Saturday was busy.  I had got walking book club in the morning and game day in the afternoon and evening.  I really needed the relaxation and friendship of both.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Movie Review: Unsung Hero
Tuesday - Book Review: The Paris Mistress by Mally Becker
Wednesday - Music Review: The Land of the Living by Jason Gray
Thursday - Book Review: A Midnight Puzzle by Gigi Pandian
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I only got two new books this week!!!!!!  After the last couple of weeks, I needed a week with some restraint.  The best part is, I spent exactly zero dollars to get them.

The first is Warped on a Moon Trek by Diane Vallere.  This is a new book is her Sylvia Striker series (which it looks like she's rebranded again).  And, yes, it is a science fiction book.  Don't worry, it's a space set mystery.  I'm not branching too far from my mystery roots.  But, honestly, I kind of like having something different every so often.

The other new book is an audio book I got from the library.  (I love listening to an audio book in the ap.  So easy since it just plays until you read the end.  No tapes or CDs to change.  And yes, I realize I just dated myself.)

Anyway, my new audio book is White Elephant Dead by Carolyn Hart, book 11 in her Death on Demand series.

What I'm Currently Reading:

Yes, I'm working on White Elephant Dead.  Somehow, I thought I'd be doing more driving when I first got it.  I might have to listen to it instead of my podcasts next week to make sure I finish it before it is due.  I'm enjoying it and intrigued by what is going on.  We've got a death of someone who was collecting items for a rummage sale, or a white elephant sale as it's called here.

The other book I'm reading right now is The Last Thing Claire Wanted by Karin Fitz Sanford.  This is a police procedural instead of a cozy.  I picked it up because it is set in my home town.  A fictionalized version of my home town (as the author confesses to).  Granted, I haven't lived there for almost 30 years now, but my family still lives there, and I'm recognizing a few things, but very few things.  That aside, I am enjoying the book.

Since I'll finish that book up this weekend, by Monday, I'll be in the middle of Tragedy in Tahoe by Rachele Baker (no relation).  Yes, I'm sticking with Northern California for this book as well.  This is the first in a new series that sounds like fun, so hopefully, I'll enjoy it.

That's it for me.  Have a great week!


  1. It's always great to read a book set in your home town but it an be tricky if the author doesn't get it right!!

    Have a great week.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that Mailbox Monday is ending. I wish someone would take on this longtime meme. I took on Sunday Salon several years ago, and I'm so glad I did. I participated in Sunday Salon ever since I started blogging sixteen years ago.

    Yes, it's the weekend. No work thoughts---happy day!

  3. Fun to have music and theater movie reviews coming up in the mix!

  4. I've never spent time on Mailbox Monday but I know how challenging it is to keep a meme going. I admire all those who step up because now that I'm managing Friday56 I recognize that there is no taking a week off! Ha!

  5. Gosh...I haven't been to a movie in 6 or 7 years! I mainly miss the popcorn, layered with butter and sprinkled with milkduds.

  6. A walking book club sounds unique. I recently found a book club whose selections I like. Hooray! I can join now.

    Didn't know there is another mystery writer using Tahoe as a setting. Besides Todd Borg, that is.

  7. The last movie I saw in a theater was The Rise of Skywalker on Christmas Day 2019. I think I'm due for one, but my couch is so comfortable. Have a great week. :)

  8. I haven't been to the cinema in ages. I managed to get a trip in just before my second son was born. I do miss it but it has got very expensive even with discounts.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  9. I hope you enjoyed the movie! A theater near us is offering a showing of old movies once a week and we are traveling for that at the end of the month. It sounds like you really did have a busy Saturday!

  10. We don’t go to the movies anymore we just wait for them to drop on streaming or get them at the local redbox. It to hard to go with our caregving jobs. Have a great week.

  11. Every time you mention game night, it makes me promise myself I am going to get my act together and plan one. I did one back in January, but haven't done one since. Sigh.

  12. It's cool to find a book set in your hometown. I've only come across one book set near where I live. The author did a good job with it.

  13. So sad about Mailbox Monday. Why can't we all be independently wealthy so we can just spend our time exploring our passions? Just kidding, I think.

    Before it closed, our local theater also has Tuesday discounts. I miss having a theater within 5 minutes of the house.

    Great books this week. Hope you enjoy them.

  14. Can't wait for the music review and a space set mystery sounds very intriguing. Hope you have a great week.

  15. A movie in an actual movie theater! I can't recall the last time I saw one that way. Good that you had some restraint about new additions to the TBR pile. I didn't and added 17 books last week. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  16. I haven't been to the movies in forever! I wonder if mine has a discount day.


  17. An interesting mix of books! We've started going to the movies some after we discovered one of the local theaters plays older movies. A few weeks ago we went and watched the original The Mummy and it was so fun! I hope you enjoyed your movie time and are having a great week!


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