Sunday, May 5, 2024

Cinco de Mayo's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to another weekend and this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Last Sunday, I met up with a friend in the early evening and played a round of disc golf here in town.  He's really good and plays frequently.  Me?  Not so much.  But it was nice to hang out with him.

The weather this last week was wonderful.  Highs in the upper 70's or lower 80's.  Perfect for a lunch time run, which I did three days this week.  But Saturday, it has really cooled off.  We are only going to hit the mid-60's, and it will be the same on Sunday before it starts to warm up again on Monday.

This week was month end close at work.  That meant some crazy busy days, but things seemed to go well overall, which was nice.

Last weekend was Malice Domestic, a mystery conferenced dedicated to the cozy and traditional side of the mystery spectrum, aka the types I read the most.  I hadn't been paying close attention to the dates and hadn't realized I could have made it work with my schedule at work.  But then I started hoping I could make it work next year.  It looks like I will be able to go in 2025!  Even more exciting, the deceased author they will be honoring is Dorothy Gilman.  I stole Carstairs, which I use everywhere, from her Mrs. Pollifax series.  I must go.   Unfortunately, it is the same weekend as the LA Times Festival of Books next year.  That means, I'll miss it for the first time in two decades (except when they didn't have it due to Covid).  I hate to miss it, but I will.  I think I'll enjoy Malice Domestic more overall.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Novella Review: Only the Good Die Young by Julie Mulhern
Tuesday - Movie Review: Love Me or Leave Me
Wednesday - Book Review: Love Me or Grieve Me by Diane Vallere
Thursday - Ornament Review: Off to Never Land!
Friday - Book Review: Kaleidoscope by Dorothy Gilman
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

Strap in.  I've got seven books this week.  These are all physical.  Okay, so I did save some from last week, but that's how many books I've been getting recently since I talked about seven last week as well.  I must slow down!

Up first are two ARCs I received.  One is Puzzle Me Murder by Roz Noonan.  This is a new author for me, but the idea of a club that enjoys puzzles working on a murder appealed to me.  Hopefully, I'll enjoy it.

The other ARC is by a familiar author - Ellen Byron.  A Very Woodsy Murder is the first in a new series set in the California mountains.  I've enjoyed all her series, so I'm looking forward to seeing what she's cooked up with this one.

The rest of these are all pre-orders that have come out in the last couple of weeks.

The first is The General's Gold.  I haven't read anything by the authors,  LynDee Walker and Bruce Robert Coffin, before, but I've heard good things about them.  And this sounds like a fun action adventure series.  It's certainly been getting lots of raves.

Next up is Murder in Rose Hill, the newest Gaslight Mystery from Victoria Thompson.  I finally caught up on the series last summer, so I'm looking forward to getting to spend time with the characters.  I was reading one of these books every two months for a while; it's been a lot longer than normal since I read about them.

Next is another book by a new to me author - Every Time I Go on Vacation Someone Dies by Catherine Mack.  After I pre-ordered this one, I started hearing some mixed reviews.  Still, it sounds like fun, so I'm looking forward to giving it a try.

In a complete change of pace for me, there's Big Dweeb Energy.  I've been a fan of the comic strip Fox Trot for decades.  I was sad when he decided to only release new strips on Sundays.  If for no other reason, it means I got books a lot less often.  Granted, I haven't read a couple of the most recent collections yet.  I need to do that since these are fast reads.

Finally, I have She Left by Stacie Grey.  I've read a couple mysteries by this author under a different name.  She rebranded for this tale of suspense.  I'm surprised to have this one already since the official release date isn't for another week and a half, but my copy shipped early.  I've noticed that often happens with books from this particular publisher.  It sounds like a book I will enjoy, so I'm looking forward to reading it.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I spent Saturday morning reading.  It was great!  And that means I'm about 75% of the way through The Paris Mistress by Mally Becker.  Yes, this is a mystery.  In fact, it's the third set during the American Revolution.  Obviously, this one moves the action to France, but I'm really enjoying it.  My plan is to finish it up on Sunday, which shouldn't be too hard giving how far I got today.

Monday, I'll be starting The Midnight Puzzle, the newest Secret Staircase Mystery from Gigi Pandian.  Considering how much I've enjoyed the first two, I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next to the characters.

That's it for me.  Hope you have a great week!


  1. I've also got a copy of Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies - I haven't got to it, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I enjoy it:)). Have a great week, Mark.

  2. Disc Golf sounds fun and I love your temperatures!

  3. Cinco de Mayo! Now I am craving Mexican food.

    Enjoy your books and your week.

  4. I've not heard of Disc Golf.

    How exciting to be able to go to book things. We don't have that many here (not that the kids would appreciate it anyway) I hope you enjoy whichever you choose (next year!).

    I've seen Every Time I Go On Vacation Someone Dies all over Instagram this week.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  5. I had to google what disc golf was, I had never heard of it, but then I realized that I had seen these things all over the parks in Calgary, I just never knew what they were! And now I do! Malice Domestic sounds fun, I hope you'll have a great time when you go!

  6. I'd love to go to Malice Domestic. That would be so much fun. It's too far for me, but I'm glad you can go. I enjoyed Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies - although in the e-ARC the footnotes were difficult to follow. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think since you have a print book. Have a great week!

  7. YAY!!! I'm so glad you'll be able to come for Malice next year!! How perfect that they will be honoring Dorothy Gillman. I don't think I'll attend the banquet next year. It ended late (for me) and as a result I missed the early morning breakfast with the new authors the next day. So next year I'll skip the banquet and try to attend the breakfast with the new authors. I'm glad I did attend the banquet this year though. The whole weekend was so much fun. I'm looking forward to meeting you there next year! :)

  8. Wow, lots going on and a great book haul! I hope you enjoy them all!

  9. I have played disc golf a few times they have a really nice disc golf course here in town at one of the local parks. As far as festival go i rarely get to attend as they are on weekends which is when i work my caregiving shift. I have got to attend a few author sigiings when they had them earlier in the week at the barnes and nobles and the local community college in triciies. My favorite recently has been victoria schwab. Have a great reading week.

  10. That's exciting about Malice Domestic. I really want to go to more mystery or fantasy type conventions rather than the big romance ones. I enjoyed DragonCon but it is HUGE. Better was NOLAStorycon which was just for 2 years. I wonder about Boucheron or some other one like Malice Domestic. And Emerald City Comic Con has been on my list to try for those west coast authors like Robin Hobb, Devon Monk and Katherine Arden for example.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. You're the second person I've seen with the Every vacation somebody dies book - the jacket is great. Will be interesting to know what you think! #StackingtheShelves

  12. I enjoyed Every Time I Go On Vacation Someone Dies and mysteries aren’t by preferred genre. I hope you like it too!

  13. Sounds like you had a great week. Cool that you are solidifying your 2025 plans. I also want to read Mack's book... even if it's just the title that caught my eye. Hope you have a wonderful week.

  14. How exciting that you might get to go to Malice! I love going to bookish events. In fact, I have a couple over the next few weeks.

  15. Looks like a nice assortment of new books. I seldom get print books these days being a devoted Kindle reader. I hope you enjoy Catherine Mack's. I thought it was okay. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  16. I am glad you will be able to go to Malice Domestic next year! It sounds like a lot of fun. Is that the event held in Maryland? I am excited about Puzzle Me Murder and hope you enjoy it. The author is new to me too. I would really like to read the Gaslight Mysteries at some point. Historical cozies are my favorite type of cozies. I hope you have a great week, Mark, and enjoy your reading!

  17. The Paris Mistress sounds good. Glad you got some dedicated time to sit down with it.

    I've always wanted to try disk golf but I am terrible at throwing frisbees. I would hold everyone back.

  18. Just read about Malice over at Meezan's blog and it does sound really good. An abundance of riches in 2025!

  19. Too bad about missing Malice Domestic, but good to make plans for 2025!

  20. Malice Domestic sounds like a perfect conference for you to attend. How fun to have that to look forward to!

  21. I agree with others here. Malice Domestic sounds like a fabulous conference for you and other cosy mystery lovers like me!

  22. The LA Festival of Books or Malice Domestic? Whew, that's rough. I'm glad you were able to easily choose.

    We have a wonderful disc golf course here in my town.

  23. Sounds like 2025 is the perfect year for you to attend Malice Domestic!

    This weekend the weather is perfect!!!! We outside!!!!!


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