
Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to another week and another Sunday/Monday post.  I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

The big news around here isn't good news.  After four and a half years of working fully from home, we have been forced to go hybrid.  I'm having to go into the office three days a week, Tuesday to Thursday, starting this last week.  Yes, I'm making it a bigger deal than it really is, but I'm not at all happy about it.  We've known this was coming for six months, and I'm still not happy about it.

The problem is that, after this long, I've gotten used to doing things a certain way.  Like rolling out of bed at five minutes before I'm supposed to log on.  Or going for a run before work or at lunch time.  Doing a load of laundry during work.  Things like that.  This is going to be a huge adjustment.  I'm sure I will make it in time.  But it is going to take quite a bit of time.  Definitely not adjusted after three days in the office again.

Yes, I did like seeing people again and talking to them.  But it still isn't making up for having to actually be there in person on a regular basis.

At least I don't have the big drive that others do.  I'm jealous of those who have been hired (or moved) out of the area, so they don't have to come into the office on a regular basis.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - September Reading Summary
Tuesday - Book Review: Crime and Parchment by Daphne Silver
Wednesday - Movie Review: Deadpool 2
Thursday - Book Review: A Merry Little Murder Plot by Jenn McKinlay
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I almost got away with only four books for the week, but I wound up buying an ebook today, bring my total up to five.

Let's start with the pre-orders I received this week.  Up first is Ashes Never Lie by Lee Goldberg, his second Sharpe and Walker book.  But he'll be incorporating the leads from his Eve Ronin series as well.  His books aren't the cozies I typically read, but they are still lots of fun, which is why I keep reading him.

Switching gears, I also got a middle grade fantasy book this week.  The newest Percy Jackson and the Olympians book from Rick Riordan came out this week.  I loved the last one, so I'm looking forward to reading Wrath of the Triple Goddess.  If you haven't read these new books, the premise is that Percy is now a senior in high school, and he has to do favors for various gods to get college recommendations from them.  Not quite end of the world stakes, but still quite fun.

Which brings us to the Kindle sales I snagged.  In preparation for the new book coming out, Caleb Wygal put the rest of his Myrtle Beach Mysteries on sale, so I snagged the two I didn't have, Death at Tidal Creek and Death on the Back Nine.  As of now (Saturday night), it looks like five of the six books in the series are still 99 cents.  Not sure why, but Death at Tidal Creek is regular price.  Probably a glitch.  Or a sign that the rest will be regular price soon.  Or both.

Finally, there's the book I snagged today.  I saw that Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister was on sale for Kindle again.  I was so bummed with myself when I missed it before, so I'm glad to get it now.  It's a thriller with a twist - a mother witnesses her son commit murder.  Then wakes up the day before.  Each day see wakes up further back in time.  Yes, I'm intrigued by that premise.  We'll see what I think of the execution.

What I'm Currently Reading:

As I'm typing this Saturday night, I'm about 2/3 of the way through Send in the Clowns, the fourth Country Club Murder book form Julie Mulhern.  Yes, I'm woefully behind in the series since there are seventeen at the moment.  This series is set in the 1970's, and I'm enjoying the trip back in time.  I need to work on catching up in the series.  Maybe in the new year.

It's hard since I have so many series going.  Like the Zoe Chambers series from Annette Dashofy.  Up next will be the tenth in that series, 'Til Death.  It's set in the days leading up to Zoe and Pete's wedding, but of course they'll get involved in a murder or two first.  This will leave me three books in the series I haven't read.  Maybe I can finish it next year?  We'll see.

That's it for me this week.  Hope you have a great one!


  1. Almost every day (it seems) a big name corporation announces that it will no longer tolerate work-from-home. Your reaction to this seems pretty similar to most of the workers who speak up. I'm wondering if ths is the effect of a few bad apples who ruin things for the many who are in a seriously dedicated majority. Also management's wish for total control, which they never get anyway.
    Good luck with the transition... mae at

  2. The working world has changed. I personally enjoy being in the office because I feel like I'm more productive and it is easier to collaborate, but I have a co worker that prefers to work remotely whenever possible. Having said that, I think that your reactions are completely normal! You can do it and in a few months, I'm sure your new routine will be old hat!

  3. I am so sorry that you have to return to the office three days a week. I can see that you would be able to work so much more efficiently at home, and, in addition, you would be able to get the home game taken care of during the time you have to spend driving.

    I didn't realize there are new Percy Jackson books. Thanks for letting us know about these.

  4. I totally get you about the disapointment of returning to the office. My son works from home and there are some benefits to getting other things done on your schedule. He got sick and was still able to sit and do his computer work, all the while sipping soup and NOT infecting others in the office. Quite an adjustment.

    I bought quite a bit on the Amazon sale for Kindle books when they were double points.

  5. Oh wow, that blows, Mark. I am really sorry to hear that. I am a person who is not good with change. So it would take me a while to get used to that change, for sure. I hope things fall into place for you, Mark. Happy reading!

  6. Ugh, I really hope my wife's company don't make them go back to in-person work. I'm not used to being alone all day! I hope you manage to adjust though.

    Wrong Place, Wrong Time sounds fascinating! Hope it lives up to the concept.

  7. It's infuriating! My company has requested that we spend 2/3 days a week in office but its not enforced as we had pretty flexible working anyway. As long as you're in office on the days you have "in person" meetings scheduled or there's some other requirement to be in the building they're letting us get on with it. I end up working from home about 4 days a week... And I totally understand where you're coming from on up to logging in speed, the laundry, the walks/running etc. I'd seriously consider (and start looking, if I'm honest) for another job if they made the in office requirement a hard rule.

  8. How annoying having to go back in. I hope that you get back into the office routine soon.

    Your book haul looks rather orange 😂

    Have a good week next week.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  9. Noooooooooooooo!!!! Why are companies DOING this? What is their reasoning???? I'm so, so, so grateful that our company got rid of our physical office completely during Covid. Before Covid hit we were already at 80% of employees working from home so when it did hit, they switched to 100% and ended our lease on office space and sold everything off. HOPEFULLY that means there is NO CHANCE of them forcing us back into the office. How could I leave my elderly cat home alone for all those hours?????

    Ugh. I am so very sorry and I hope you adapt to the new routine and don't hate it. LOL

    1. P.S. Our office was in Encino and I'm in Toluca Lake. Only a distance of 8-ish miles, but lord, getting past the 405 was such a nightmare.

  10. Oh dear. If I was told that I had to go into the office 3 days a week I would also be resentful. I totally get it. Working from home has its pluses and minuses, but a big plus is getting other stuff done in between meetings and work tasks is so great. As is not having to dress up.

  11. That stinks and would be a hard adjustment! Maybe you should consider moving (kidding, it's not like it's that easy!). I hope you get used to it and even come to enjoy it in time, but honestly, I love having a job where I can work from home.

  12. I’m sorry you’re having to go back to the office. If you do the work, who cares where it gets done? Seems like a power play.

    I’ve added the Country Club Murders to my TBR pile. A series set in the 70s sounds like great fun!

  13. Sorry to hear that you have to actually go back to the office. I can see that it will make a big change in your daily routines. Your books all sound good. I liked Ashes Never Lie. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  14. I really don't understand all the push to move back to the office. I read some research that showed that productivity actually increased!


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