Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 22nd's Sunday/Monday Post

Hi all!  Time for another Sunday/Monday Post, where I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

The big news around here is that I spent the day at Six Flags Magic Mountain.  It's in the town I live in, but I haven't been in over 10 years.  I decided to get an annual pass again when they put them on sale early this month.  It's good through the end of 2025.  I just need to go a couple of times, and it will have paid for itself.  I did pay for the add on so it is good at all their parks.  Since they just merged, that's quite a few parks, including Knotts Berry Farm, which I haven't been to in decades.  So look for me to go to that park at some point in after the new year.  Probably wasn't really worth the money I spent on the ability to go to other parks, but we'll see.

Weather was in the 70's all week.  It started to warm up today to the low 80's.  Honestly, it was warmer than I was expecting in the park.  We're supposed to be in the 90's again starting tomorrow.  Glad that summer is not quite over yet.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

I almost forgot that I wanted to review And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street as part of Banned Books Week.  Had to switch up my original schedule a bit.

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Ornament Review: A World Within #10
Tuesday - Book Review: The Glass Bottom Hoax by Diane Vallere
Wednesday - Book Review: And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss
Thursday - Book Review: Wonton Terror by Vivien Chien
Friday - Movie Review: Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Truth Be Told
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I've got five new books to tell you about this week.

First up is The Professor's Nightmare and Other Stories by John Gaspard.  I'm not sure why, but this author has switched from writing novels with his magician main character, Eli Marks, to releasing novella collections with the characters.  Not that I'm complaining since I still enjoying catching up with the characters.

Next up, I was gifted a copy of A Matter of Life and Depths, the second Cruising Sisters Mystery from K.B. Jackson.  I loved the first one when I read it a couple of weeks ago, so I'm looking forward to diving into this book.

I also got my ARC of Irish Soda Bread Murder.  This is another novella collection, but this time it's from three different authors - Carlene O'Connor, Peggy Ehrhard, and Liz Ireland.  This is the second St. Patrick's Day themed collection from the authors.  I love Liz's Mrs. Claus series (see my review from Wednesday this week), so that's the reason I'll be reading this book.  Hopefully, the other two stories are enjoyable as well.  The book comes out at the end of December, but I'll probably make it my first book review of January.

I had a snag with my preorder of The Sherlock Society by James Ponti, but it finally arrived this week.  This is the first in a new series from him, and I'm looking forward to meeting these new characters.  Yes, it's a middle grade series, but I love his Spy Cities series, so I'm expecting to enjoy this one as well.

Finally, I got another ARC on Friday - Pretty Lentil Liars by Cathy Wiley.  This is the third in her Fatal Food Festivals series, and I can't wait to dive into it.  In fact, hold that thought.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I did spend the day at Magic Mountain by myself.  Which is prime reading time, right?  What else are you going to do while standing in line?  I read about 3/4 of A Merry Little Murder Plot by Jenn McKinlay.  I really enjoyed it.  But now I have one more book I need to review.  Fortunately, I'm not planning to review it this week.

Up next will be Pretty Lentil Liars.  I told you I couldn't wait to dive into it.  These are usually quick reads, so I might even be able to finish it up on Monday.  We'll have to see.

That's it for me.  Have a great week.


  1. Ohhhh THAT's where you live? For some reason I thought you were down in the OC. When I was little we lived on Avenida Ignacio in Valencia. I love Six Flags but haven't been in ages. I want to go on that roller coaster that the seats are hanging off the edge and I think they flip around and stuff?

    1. I knew if anyone would know where I was, it would be you. :)

      I think you are talking about X2. I was disappointed I wasn't able to do that one this time. I started out heading that way, and it was down. By the time I circled about around the park, I was ready to leave and didn't want to wait in any lines any more. But I love it!

  2. So many good cozies are out. Enjoy!

  3. That's a brillant idea to get a pass for Magic Mountain as it will have you going more often. It sounds fun! Your weather sounds amazing. Bet it's low humidity too, unlike Florida :-)

  4. I remember Knotts Berry Farm and Magic Mountain as kid. 50 years ago now - eke! Good for you for indulging yourself! The Fatal Food Festival series sounds like a blast to read.

  5. I haven't been to Magic Mountain in about 10 years either. I love the idea of you reading in line... very good use of your time.

  6. I haven’t been to Knott’s Berry Farm in decades. I think it’s time again. Have a great week Mark!

  7. Lines are great places to get some reading in! Our weather was cooler this past week as well, but warmer again this weekend. Have a great week!

  8. I remember going to Six Flags Over Texas in Dallas when I was about ten with my family and my cousins, and we had a blast. Six Flags (the corporation, I think) bought Astroworld and I went there as a teenager and young adult as often as I could. I'm not sure if either of those are still there.

    And I love it that you got in some reading time while waiting in line!


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