
Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7th's Weekly TV Thoughts

American Ninja Warrior – Phew, Joe made it through.  I was so sorry that Daniel Gil fell right there at the end.  So very close!  And have I said how much I hate the racing this week?  If you make it through the course, you should be able to move on.  Period.  I hate to see people leaving because of the racing.  I liked that this sport wasn’t about that, or at least didn’t used to be.

The Challenge – I’ve got to admit, I was rooting for both players in era 1 to wind up safe.  And if you say you are going to be at risk next week, you really need to follow through.  Otherwise, you look like a coward.  Also, I’m ready for Michelle from era 4 to step up and go into the arena.  She doesn’t have to go home, but I need her to actually play down there for a change.  As to the trivia challenge, they sure seemed to get a lot of the questions wrong.  Since I’ve hardly watched the show, I didn’t know the answers either, but I have an excuse.  I was surprised at how few questions the players got right.

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