
Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8th's Sunday/Monday Post

It's that time of the week again.  Time for another Sunday/Monday Post where I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

If you haven't heard, it's HOT here.  I went for a run before work Thursday morning, and it was around 80 when I got back.  It's been right around 110 as the high, and not cooling off as much as normal at night.  Yes, we get hot here in So Cal, but it's usually not that hot.  But it's supposed to be cooling down starting Tuesday.  By next weekend, I think we are looking at low 80's as the high.

Now, mind you, I'm not complaining.  I'm that weirdo that enjoys summer.  This might be a little hotter than I would normally enjoy, but it means time at the pool.  Or the beach, which is where I went Monday for Labor Day.  More importantly, I'm not always cold this way, which is how I am the rest of the year.  And we always get at least one hot spell in September.  Sometimes more than one and sometimes into October.

Other than that, it's been a fairly quiet week.  It was quarter end at work, so it was extra busy.  I've finished the extra reporting I need to do, at least until others start reviewing it.  Hopefully, I can move on to other things quickly since I have lots to do before the 20th.

My small group from church did meet this week for the first time since our summer break.  Granted, I see them at church, but it was still nice.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Ornament Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Tuesday - Book Review: Until Depths Do Us Part by K.B. Jackson
Wednesday - TV Show Review: Night Court Reboot - Season 2
Thursday - Book Review: 26 Below by Kimberly Woodhouse
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I've got three books to tell you about this week.

The first two are eARCs from Berkley.  Yes, I've got the books I want from them for October and November already.

Up first will be A Merry Little Murder Plot, the fifteenth Library Lover's Mystery from Jenn McKinlay.  I love this series!  We had an earlier book in the series set at Christmas, but it wasn't a huge part of the story, so I'm looking forward to seeing how a book that definitely plays into the holiday turns out.

I've also got We Three Queens, the eighteenth Royal Spyness Mystery from Rhys Bowen.  No, this isn't another Christmas book.  Instead, it's got Wallis Simpson in hiding (these books are set in 1930's England) and a film crew making a movie about Henry VIII.  Looking forward to seeing what happens with this one.

My final book is an audiobook from the library.  I was second in line for What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust by Alan Bradley.  This is book eleven in the Flavia de Luce series, which I thought had ended a few years ago.  And it just came out this week.  The library only has one electric audiobook copy, and I was second in line, so I didn't expect to get it for a couple of weeks.  I guess whoever was first couldn't borrow it this week because I got the notification it was ready for me Tuesday morning.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I want to get through that audiobook as quickly as I can so the next person on the list can listen to it.  As a result, I started What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust Friday night while running a few errands.  I'm an hour into the nine hour audiobook.  So far, I'm enjoying it.  It's great to be back with Flavia, although her cousin could get shipped to boarding school, and I'd be perfectly happy.

I'm also working on Mrs. Claus and the Nightmare Before New Year's by Liz Ireland.  If you've been paying attention over the last few years, you know how much I LOVE this series, and book five is no exception so far.  I'm about a third of the way through, and I'm thinking I know part of what is going to happen, but I'm curious to see if I'm right.  And I have no idea where the main mystery is going to go.  And yes, this is set at the North Pole with Santa's wife getting involved in mysteries.  They are a delight.

That's it for me.  Have a great week!


  1. You have been getting some very high temps where you are. On this coast it's hot and high humidity. Better than freezing! Nice reading plans.

  2. I am in the same weirdo club, and I have always been even as a young kid. Loving the summer heat!

  3. Looks like some very good books. My mom has been reading through Rhys Bowen's books and I hope to get to one soon.

  4. Yay for small group! I have been looking for one here, but haven't found one yet. It is cool here (in Ohio) today, it was 42 when I got up and the high is 68. I like summer, but i don't miss the humidity. Have a great week!

  5. Way too hot! I can't even imagine temperatures like that. Your books all sound great. Hope you enjoy them.

  6. I'm a fan of summer heat too. Minnesota doesn't get anywhere near as hot as SoCal but 90s are just fine with me. I like series mysteries but have only read the first couple of McKinley's or Bowen's. I hope you enjoy the newest ones. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  7. We had a really bad heatwave a couple weeks ago here in West Texas, but it's been in the 80s for the past few days and I'm loving it. False Fall, lol. Warmer temps are supposed to be here again by the end of the week though.

  8. With the heat and smoke, the schools here are having everyone stay indoors as much as possible. They cancelled the youth sports this weekend too. I am glad the temperatures will be cooling off soon. Hopefully it will help with the fires. I really enjoy Jenn McKinlay's books. Her new one looks like it will be good. I'm very behind on Liz Ireland's series, but I do enjoy it. I hope you are enjoying the latest! I hope you have a great week, Mark!

  9. Yesterday I was down in Woodland Hills and it was about 107. As I drove back to SB, it got cooler and cooler ending in 75 at home by 6:00pm. So much more tolerable.


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