
Monday, June 9, 2014

Ornament Review: Christmas Windows #8 - Patisserie - 2010 Hallmark Ornament

Stars: 4 out of 5
Pros: Cute details and mouth watering pastries
Cons: Could really use more Christmas
The Bottom Line:
Delicious dessert
Display to make mouth water
Could use more Christmas

Delicious Christmas Pastries are Baking Down at the Patisserie

Delicious food is a staple of Christmas, so it's not surprising that Hallmark's Christmas Window series has returned to that theme several times.  It once again pops up in the 2010 entry as we visit a Patisserie.

And what is a patisserie?  I'm so glad you asked.  Essentially, it is a bakery.  What sets it apart is that it usually specializes in pastries.  In fact, in some countries you can only use the title if you have a specialty pastry chef on site.  The ornament backs that up since it says Bakery on the sides and Patisserie on the front.

This ornament in the series is very square.  At least it feels squarer than the others in the series have.  Outside, it features a girl holding a stuffed animal as she peers inside.  There's also a small tree outside that looks almost like a giant cupcake with snow forming the layers of icing.  Inside the window, there's a display of a bear adding pink icing dots to a white cake.  There's also a stand with three tiers of desserts on it - possibly tiramisu on top, Christmas shaped cookies with green icing in the middle, and pink cupcakes on the bottom.  Turn it around, and you can see another cake and come cinnamon rolls waiting on the shelf below the window.

And, once again, that's my only real critic with the ornament, it only partially looks like it's ready for Christmas.  Take the bit of snow off the roof, and you could be any time of the year, really.  That and the tree are the only things that really speak of Christmas.  The cookies are so small, they don't count.  Couldn't the cake have been a shape other than round?  Maybe putting the finishing touches on a Santa themed cake.  And no decorations in the window?

That gripe aside, I do like the many details in the ornament, including the 2010 address below the window since this ornament was released in 2010.  It's a cute looking ornament, and it goes great with the rest of the series.  Speaking of series, you can find an 8 in a Christmas tree on the bottom since this is the eighth ornament in the series.

The bottom is nice and flat, which is a blessing since I like to display the entire series together under my Christmas tree.  It really does make for a great display.

However, if you do choose to hang it, you'll find the hook on the roof of the store.  It hangs perfectly level.

The Patisserie is a cute, detailed ornament, but for something labeled Christmas Window, it should feel more like Christmas, right?  That's the only reason this isn't quite in the top tier of this particular ornament series.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Christmas Windows series.

Original Price: $20.00

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