
Monday, August 25, 2014

My Nightstand - August 2014

Another month is winding down already.  Can you believe it?  Heck, summer is winding down, school has started up again (and my niece is in kindergarten!).  All that can only mean one thing - time for What's on Your Nightstand, as hosted by 5 Minutes for Books.

For me, I've been upping my game silently all year aiming for a higher and higher total of books read.  Now, I'm making it official - I'm going for 100 books.  Of course, I'm counting picture books, audio books, and traditional books read.  I'm at 73 right now, so I'm in fairly good shape, but I'm going to have to keep those pages flying if I'm going to make it.

I just finished Bloom and Doom, the first in a Bridal Boutique Mystery series.  While obviously not normally something I'd go for, the positive reviews made me decide I had to give it a try.  I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it.  My review is posted right here if you are interested..

That frees me up to start a reread of Death Valley, the first in the Jack Prester Mysteries by Sandy Dengler.  It's been over 20 years since I read this book, but I loved the series when I first read it.  I'm hoping to get up to book #3 by the end of the year since that one is set at Christmas.

Beyond that?  I've got a middle grade reread where I will actually hold the review until October and time it for Halloween.  Then I may read Topped Chef by Lucy Burdette.  From there, I'm not really sure, but the stack of books I want to read is long, so finding the next book won't be an issue at all.


  1. Way to go on the book goal! If I read a book a week (not including picture books), I consider myself accomplished. :)

    1. Usually, I'm a book a week person as well, but being unemployed and reading lots this spring plus reading some picture books but more short middle grade books has really helped me a lot.

  2. I'm afraid to count this year. I'm pretty sure I'm going to read less this year than last and I always hate seeing the number dwindle. :D

    1. This will be the first time ever I hit 100. Next year, it will probably be back to 75 or so. But I really, really want to do it just this once.


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