
Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13th's Book Beginnings and Friday 56

I'm breaking a bit with tradition for this week's Book Beginnings and Friday 56.  Normally, I use whatever book I am reading.  And I'm reading a book I'm really enjoying.  However, I just have to go with Story Thieves by James Riley, a book I finished on Tuesday, for the memes this week.

This is a middle grade fantasy novel about a girl, Bethany, who can jump into books, and the trouble she gets into when a boy, Owen, learns her secret.  It's perfect for book lovers because, while most of the book revolves around a made up series of novels, there are so many references to books I've read and loved I couldn't help but smile.

But that's actually not why I couldn't resist using this book this week.  You see, the quotes I'm going to pull as just so great I couldn't resist.

For example, here's how the book begins:

Owen wanted to scream at the horror before him.  But the sound wouldn't come and the nightmare only continued, forcing Owen to ask himself, deep down, one question:
"Can anyone tell me what three-fourths times two-thirds is?"
Mr. Barberry stood at the board at the front of Owen's classroom, his arms folded, waiting for a hand to raise.
No, not that question.  The real question was this: Was there anything in the world that could possibly be more boring than fractions?

Yep,  I was grinning when I read that, and I thought about sharing it on Friday.  But the deal clincher was when I ran across this gem from page 56:

"Hello?" Dr. Verity shouted, glowing with the light of his force fields and from the large green ray gun in his hand.  "Sebastian?  I rang the bell upstairs, but you must not have heard me, so I destroyed most of your tower instead."

Want to know more?  Pick up the book or come back on Sunday for my full review.


  1. To Owen, I'd say. Nope, they're boring. I like cover, nice pick.

    Hope you can check out my BB/56.

    Page @ Never Enough Shelf Space

    1. I agree, fractions are not an enjoyable part of life.

  2. Oh God, this sounds hilarious. I love books that link to others, it's just so much fun. I'm pretty much with Owen and Page here, maths is terrible and fractions are the worst of the worst! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday Post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. I am an accountant, so I deal with math, but decimals, not fractions.

      There was some nice humor to the book for sure.

  3. Really you had me at could jump into books! This sounds like such fun! And no there's nothing much more boring than fractions! Even though I use them pretty much daily I don't think I needed to go much higher than 4th grade level with them!

    1. This author had a fairy tale trilogy out that I really enjoyed, but when I saw the premise of this one, I got even more enthused about it. Definitely something close to a reader's heart.

  4. This does sound like it would be fun for middle graders. Happy reading!

    1. Should be fun for middle graders. Definitely fun for this adult.

  5. WHat a funny beginning. Are you, by chance, a Middle Grade librarian? I see on your blurb that you are an accountant but I think you need to make a career change! Anne@My Head is Full of Books

    1. Nope, I'm an accountant, but I do think being a Middle Grade librarian would be a lot of fun.

  6. I recently just finished another middle grade book about stories, so this one definitely got my interest. I can't wait to see your thoughts on it.

  7. This one sounds like a lot of fun! Other than rereading my Nancy Drew, I haven't read YA for awhile. Seems I need to check it out the next time I'm at the bookstore. My beginnings and 56 are from Connie Archer's LADLE TO TE GRAVE. I'd love for you Mark, and your readers to check it out. Plus there's a yummy recipe!

    1. I've really gotten back into Middle Grade quite a bit in the last few years, and I have found that I really do enjoy it still. So many fun and creative stories, and it's nice to take a break every so often from our cozies.

  8. always have the best books.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

    1. Wow, thank you. I'm very lucky with the books I read, I guess.

  9. Sounds like a fun book, and I don't care for fractions though.... lol
    Happy weekend!

    1. I don't know of anyone who truly cares of fractions. Except math geeks, of course.

  10. What a fun premise. I'm curious what book series were referenced. I might have to read this one.
    My 56 -


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