
Friday, April 17, 2015

April 17th's Book Beginnings and Friday 56

Has it been a week already?  Hard to believe it's time for this week's Book Beginnings and Friday 56 again, right?

This week's book is Truth Be Told by Hank Phillippi Ryan

I'm not much past page 56 yet, but so far, it's good.  The review will come...sometime.  I've got a few book reviews lined up for the next few days, so I'm not exactly sure when this one will get reviewed.  Plus, I have to finish it first.

Anyway, here's how it starts.

"I know it's legal.  But it's terrible."

And, from page 56:

Lizzie's heart flipped, just for a second, wondering.  Was Aaron checking on her?  Had someone gotten wind of what she was doing?  She shook her head, trying to dismiss her silly fear.  No way.  She'd been careful.

Not quite sure how much I will get read this weekend because I am going to the LA Times Festival of Books all weekend with two plays in the evenings.  Yes, it will be jam packed but also lots of fun.

Hope you have a great weekend as well.


  1. I'm so-so about the quotes. They almost intrigue, but not strongly. There is potential there. Might read on a few chapters. How are you finding the rest as you read it?

    My book beginning post is over here if you're interested:

  2. Even things that are allowed can be the wrong things! I wonder what Lizzie is up to as well! I'd have to read a bit more to know whether this is one for me! Ooh and enjoy the Festival of Books, it sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  3. You're BB got to me. So many things are legal that are terrible. Make me wonder which one she/he is talking about.

    Have a great time at the festival!

  4. Sounds interesting. I've heard of the author but not read any of the books so I look forward to your review. Enjoy the Festival of Books!

  5. Fun, busy weekend lined up, I'm envious! Have you read Hank before? I was justvthinking about her today. I feel disloyal living in the Boston area and seeing her on TV every day, not having ever tried one of her books!

  6. I haven't heard of it but it sounds good.

  7. I've heard great things about this author, but not anything before. Looks awesome though.
    Happy weekend!

  8. I must know more! I'm going to go check out the author now.
    Have fun at the Festival, lucky you!
    My 56 -

  9. I like the title and your excerpt. Definitely worth checking out the book.


    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings


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