
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Reading Challenge Update: Audio Book Challenge

Since we are half way through the year, it's time to post an update on the Audio Book Challenge.

My goal has been to average one a month, and I'm well ahead of schedule, as you can see.

1. "C" is for Corpse by Sue Grafton
2. I Am Half-Sick of Shadows by Alan Bradley
3. The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech by Kirsten Powers
4. The Ambitious Card by John Gaspard
5. The Concrete Blonde by Michael Connelly
6. Speaking from Among the Bones by Alan Bradley
7. "D" is for Deadbeat by Sue Grafton
8. Voodoo River by Robert Crais

Those links will take you to my review of the book.

And I'm actually in better shape than that because I have two more books I've listened to, but I'm holding the review to fill in while I got on vacation this summer.  I've slipped in a couple I wasn't planning to listen to when the year started, and I've been working hard on my audio series.

I'm really getting hooked on audio books, can't you tell?


  1. Prior to a few months ago, aside from the odd audio book, I had only listened mainly to Classics free from LibriVox. Then my local librarian put me onto Overdrive and I was hooked! The cozies seem to work especially well.

    1. I still haven't listened to any real cozies on audio. As you can see, I'm using it for some different types of mysteries.


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