
Friday, December 16, 2016

December 16th's Book Beginnings and Friday 56

We are down to three Fridays left in 2016.  What better way to celebrate than with another edition of Book Beginnings and Friday 56.

This week's book is Shadow of Doubt by Nancy Cole Silverman.


This is the first in a series with an LA radio reporter as the main character.  As you'd expect with a mystery set in LA, Hollywood plays a big part in the story, which is why we get this as an opening line:
"...and finally, I'd like to thank my agent, Pepper Millhouse."

Okay, as first lines go, it's not an attention getting.  But there is this on page 56:

No comment!  Sarah might as well have hung the noose right around Sam's neck.  I didn't think there was a listener tuned to the station who didn't think Sam was guilt.

I finished the book earlier today, and it is well worth reading.  My full review will be up next week, so if these teaser intrigued you, I hope you'll come back to find out more.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Shadow of Doubt sounds like a fun start to a mystery series. I hope you enjoy it.

  2. Sounds like they have already decided the verdict...guilty.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  3. That second blurb is definitely attention-grabbing, though this is far from up my alley reading wise--I'm not sure I'd pick it up myself, though I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the read!

    Thank you so much for sharing! Here's my Friday 56 if you're interested in taking a look. No worries or pressure if you're not, though! Either way, happy book-ing to you in the near future...and happy Friday! <3

  4. What year is this one set in? The cover looks a bit like the 30's. I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine . . .

  5. This sounds good. I have a mystery this week - Ill Met by Murder by Elizabeth J. Duncan. Happy reading!

  6. I never can pass up a good mystery and always looking for a new series too.

    My Friday 56 from In The Blue Hour

  7. I read the most recent one back a few months ago and really liked it. I got to meet the author too which was really fun! I can't wait to see what you think of this one. I've been wanting to go back and read the other books in the series.

  8. This book sounds good! Here is my 56:

  9. You have me intrigued by the 56! Happy weekend!


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