
Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 11th's Weekly TV Thoughts

Just about everything was on this week (missed you, Arrow), plus my two ABC shows were back and Survivor returned with a two hour episode.  Yes, it's been a busy week of TV watching.

Once Upon a Time – That wasn’t the attack that Emma has been seeing.  Snow has always been there in the background, and Regina wasn’t there.  So will there be another attack?  Is Emma still in danger?  My best guess is yes.  I was surprised that Emma and Regina made it back to Storybrook in this episode, and I loved the explanation of how she got the Swan last name.  Never through about it before, but it fits her so perfectly.  But what will happen with Robin?

24: Legacy – Obviously, there was no way they’d catch the bad guys in this episode.  We’ve got a lot more season to go.  I was surprised we got rid of everyone from that one cell in the episode.  Obviously, they are switching gears for the next arc.  It was a little painfully obvious.  But how did the villains know where the wife was?  That’s the real question as far as I am concerned.

Supergirl – They haven’t been subtle about it, but last night was a bit too much as far as I’m concerned with the alien arc.  They are lecturing us about illegal immigrants this season, and I’m tired of it.  Hopefully, I can last out the show and it won’t be as preachy next season.  I’m worried for James, too.  With Kara no longer at KatCo, and him already not being in multiple episodes, are they writing him out?  Fun to see Teri Hatcher show up, of course.

The Flash – Wow.  Just wow.  So much to process for the episode.  Poor Wally is the biggest take away.  He was trying to do the right thing and it all went wrong.  Which leaves me wondering, will we get rid of all of the Flashpoint story to defeat our big bad at the end of the season?  And, if Savatar is supposed to be someone we know, is it Wally?

Legends of Tomorrow – Finally got Rip back.  It will be interesting to see the team’s dynamic now that he’s back in charge.  Different episode overall.  Not sure it really worked for me, but I do appreciate them trying something different.

This Is Us – So many great moments.  Truly, truly great moments.  Saying goodbye to William was bittersweet.  I loved Kate’s monologue to Randall.  Randall’s dream of his dad’s meeting.  Randall comforting Kate.  Randall quitting his job.  Kevin’s play being so good.  I’m so worried about Jack.  I know he’s dead in the present, but I still don’t want to know about it.  And Kate’s confession?  I think that actually explains a lot about her.

Lethal Weapon – I hate to say this, but is Trish’s new job too good to be true?  I doubt we’ll explore that next season, but I could easily see that coming back to bite her next year.  And they’ve obviously set us up for a power season finale next week.  I’m wondering if we will get resolution or just lots more questions since the renewal came so late.  And I’m wondering if Riggs will be able to move on after what he has learned.  Not that I’m upset with how they have played out his grief this year.  I’ve actually found it very realistic.

Survivor – Ciera out first followed by Tony.  Wow!  This is going to be an intense season.  As much as Tony annoys me, he is completely correct about Sandra both running the show and being weak in the challenges.  I’d love to know how she got everyone to vote out Tony because the editing sure showed that it was much more split than that.

Designated Survivor – So glad to have this back.  And Hannah and the President finally met.  I feel like what we’ve seen so far was all set up, and now the real games can begin.  And what a wild ride we are in for, I’m sure.

Big Bang Theory – They’re really giving Raj a storyline this part of the season, and it’s about time he got a good one again.  Leonard’s mother is always good for stirring up trouble, and she did it again admirably with this episode.  So much fun all the way around.

The Great Indoors – This show really does seem to be finding it’s voice finally.  Clark as Jack was hilarious, and Jack all soft was funny as well.  It’s still not my favorite show out there, but it’s continuing to grow on me.

Powerless – Cold season?  Brilliant!  The overall comedy could have been better in this one, but it was still good.  I’m definitely going to stick with this one through the end of the season as well.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed Survivor - especially the challenges with the cliffhanger on the one team almost blowing their lead.


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