
Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 17th's Weekly TV Thoughts

It's still proving to be a quite summer.  I'll have a little more TV starting up in the next month, but I'm enjoying the slower pace.  Not that I seem to have more time at home, but it is nice to have a less to watch when I am home.

American Ninja Warrior – Okay, I have to rant for a minute first.  (I promise I will only do this about this issue once all season.)  Right after talking about how women are really increasing their presence in the competition, they then announce that they are going to move five women on to the finals in each city automatically.  What?  If women are stepping up and making their presence known, they shouldn’t need the boost of getting in because they are women.  In fact, one thing I have always loved about the show is that the women advance because they earn a spot.  It showed true equality.  And my hat is off to the women who earned the spots tonight.  At least they are still having the same number of finishers plus however many they need to have five women in the finals, so they aren’t taking away spots from the top 30, they are adding on to the number of people going to the next round.

Okay, now let’s talk LA.  There were a couple of surprises, but they glossed over them.  Instead, we got to see the usual crowd finish the course.  This was definitely the course they used a couple of weeks ago for the celebrities, which was fun.  I really liked the football player and I hope he makes it to Vegas.  Always happy to see Flippy, I mean Flip, make it as well.

Spartan – I’m not as impressed with the set this year.  It’s all about the obstacles.  I much preferred the outdoor course from last year.  How could you not root for Heart of Texas?  What a story!  And Little Giants won, too.  Honestly, that surprised me since size is such an issue for some of the obstacles.  Looking forward to seeing what happens when these teams face off.

Angie Tribecca – I have a low standard when it comes to the mysteries on this show, but even by my standards this one just didn’t make sense.  It created a couple of great jokes, but with everything else that happened, I just truly don’t buy it.  Plus it feels like a cheat because everything that happened this season was a lie.  The cliffhanger is certainly interesting, however.  I wonder where they will go with that next season.

Team Ninja Warrior – Well, if the Superhero Squad is going to lose to anyone, it’s hard to argue with them losing to the godfather.  Seriously impressive second showdown there to top off a night of twists and surprises.


  1. I love these weekly summaries! But man, they make me realize how far behind I am with my shows!! lol!

  2. I haven't watched any of the Ninja Warrior shows but I keep meaning too. We were at a restaurant the other day and they were playing one of them and it looked crazy!

  3. ANW: I didn't like the bit about letting the top five women in either. I wonder how much the contestants like it. If I was one of the added women, it would feel a bit like cheating and take away from the further accomplishments.

    Spartan: Not fond of the indoor venue either. Why?? You hit the nail on the head with the favorite teams. Love them both. The Little Giants were smart using their weight on the one where they had to roll that frame. I guess since they're all small, they've learned to compensate and it paid off for them there. I thought their light weight would be an advantage on that last wall. So close!


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