
Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 28th's Weekly TV Thoughts

Another week, another list of TV shows watched.  One season finale in the mix, but not time to relax as Dancing with the Stars is back on Monday.

Once Upon a Time (4/20) – How did Tilly get the dagger?  Or did it just magically appear there?  Is she still the guardian?  If Henry and Cinderella start believing the truth before the curse is broken, that will be an interesting twist.  But someone needs to tell them what will happen if they break the curse and quick!  Regina is right to be upset with Rumple right now, but here’s hoping he redeems himself soon.  I trust they will wrap all of this up, but in four weeks that seems like quite an undertaking.

Deception (Sunday) – We got some much needed development for Cameron, and I really like seeing that.  The crime and the case were a lot of fun.  What is the plan?  If it is for both of the twins to be in trouble, the fact that Cam is working with the FBI and they seem to be on to this mystery woman would be an issue.

Supergirl – That was a hard episode to watch because the emotions were so true and so real.  Both storylines meant coming to terms with the truth, and I’m glad the characters have accepted it.  But wow!  So well done.  And yes, those opening scenes were a lot of fun with some great jokes before the more serious parts started.

America Ninja Warrior: Ninja Vs. Ninja – That first match up was a surprise.  We didn’t even have any relays, that’s how dominated the superheroes were.  Those flying monkey bars were brutal all night long.  Great matches for sure.

Lethal Weapon – They kept Roger’s crazy to a minimum early on, so this was a better episode.  They were also way, way too nice to their daughter at the end even despite what she did to save the day at the end.  Also enjoying Riggs’ time with his girlfriend and her son these days.  I fear for that storyline, but I hope I’m wrong.

The Flash – What is The Thinker’s plan?  And moving the nuke guy didn’t change it?  It made it better?  What is his plan?  Something tells me his wife will be the key to his undoing.  Like Supergirl, this was a more somber episode, and it was well done and some needed payoff for last week.

Deception (Tuesday) – I feel like I can barely breath.  I can’t wait to see how they get out of that mess.  I enjoyed getting to see more of Jonathan and seeing him interacting with the other characters.  And we are definitely moving forward on the overall storyline right now, too.

Survivor – Wow!  They actually saw through what Desi was trying to sell.  I was sure with the way Jeff read the votes that it would be Michael.  They actually got me with the editing for a change.  What stinks is, someone blew their chance to take control of the game, and now they will still be on the bottom.

Suits – Considering how much they hyped the wedding, I’m very surprised that it was such a footnote to the season finale.  Mike and Rachel deserve more than that, especially since they are leaving the show.  I mean, there was a lot going on, and I find it interesting that Zane is going to be around next season even though Rachel won’t be there.  I am interested in Jessica’s spin off, however.  Glad I know that got picked up since they left us hanging there.

Designated Survivor – Since I knew Michael J. Fox was going to be on the show until the end of the season, I was a bit surprised they wrapped up the 25th Amendment storyline already.  But what about Dr. Frost?  The mystery reader in me thinks it’s an obvious set up.  Maybe someone bugged her.  But I suspect she really is the problem and that learning it will redeem Wells in everyone’s eyes.

The Big Bang Theory – It was great to see President Sebert again.  It’s been years since we’ve seen him.  Overall, a pretty fun episode.  I liked Amy’s dress the second time we saw it.  I can see the issues with it style wise, but it is definitely an Amy dress.

Arrow – I really feel like I missed something.  Oliver went to Russia and then came back?  When did he decide to do this?  I really feel like I missed something in there.  I think Laurel is on our side, at least for now, but I don’t know if we can really trust her or not.  I’m glad we are finally getting to the trial.  One more thing to wrap up.  I love how they gave the date of the trial as the date the next episode airs.

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