
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Reading Challenge Wrap Up: Audio Book Challenge 2019

The year is winding down, so it is time to start posting some reading challenge wrap ups.  Since I am done with my audio books for the year, I am going ahead and posting my wrap up for the Audio Book Challenge, hosted by Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer.

I did very well this year with 14 audio books, which met my goal of 10-15.

I'm looking at catching up on the series I am currently listening to in the next year or two, so I will have to start finding a new series that my library has most of.  That seems to be harder than I thought it would be.  If any audio book fans have suggestions on places I can legally get cheap or free audio books, I'd love to read it.  I've been spoiled so far by my library, but they don't have even some of the titles I listened to 15 years ago I thought I would go back and listen to now.

But that's about the future.  Literally.

Here's what I listened to in 2019.

1. Lost Light by Michael Connelly
2. The Golden Tresses of the Dead by Alan Bradley
3. "M" is for Malice by Sue Grafton
4. The Sentry by Robert Crais
5. The Narrows by Michael Connelly
6. Taken by Robert Crais
7. The Promise by Robert Crais
8. "N" is for Noose by Sue Grafton
9. The Wanted by Robert Crais
10. The Closers by Michael Connelly
11. A Dangerous Man by Robert Crais
12. "O" is for Outlaw by Sue Grafton
13. The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly (a re-listen)
14. The Lost World by Michael Crichton

1 comment:

  1. Ask your library if they will purchased the audiobook for you. Depending on their budget, they are usually pretty open to suggestions. You can also check some nearby libraries and get access to their Overdrive once you get a library card. I have access to like 5 libraries and can usually find most of what I want. Good luck. Have a wonderful holiday.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart


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