
Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13th's Friday Post

Hi everyone, and welcome to Friday the 13th.  Okay, so it isn't payday, but it is still Friday, and that's always good in my book.

Time for a Friday post, which will contribute to this week's:

First Line Friday
Book Beginnings
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

This week, I will be pulling teasers for the first three from The Lessons We Learn by Liz Milliron.

This is the third book in the Homefront Mysteries, set in Buffalo in World War II.  I really enjoyed this book, definitely the strongest in the series to date.

Shall we get to it with this week's First Line Friday and Book Beginnings?  I've got the entire first paragraph here, but I really like how it all comes together to introduce the story.

When I was little and I did something wrong, Pop would punish me.  Later, he'd ask if I learned my lesson and 'course I said yes.  I knew that if I didn't, he'd punish me again.  Back then, I thought those were the hardest lessons I'd ever learn, way worse than anything school could come up with.  What I didn't know was that the lessons you learn as an adult are much tougher than anything you face as a kid.  maybe 'cause they're a lot more life-changing.

Page 56 is the start of a chapter.  As such, it doesn't make for the most dramatic Friday 56, but I did find this:

I'd decided the visit was a bust and we'd have to come back later when the front door opened.

I actually finished this book earlier in the week, but I won't be reviewing it until next Friday, so I hope you'll come back then to read my full review.

Shall we move on to the Book Blogger Hop?  This week's question is:

Do you post negative reviews? Do you promote those reviews if you post?

The answer to the first question is yes.  I review every book I read, and if I don't like it, I'm going to say so.  I don't tend to post a lot of negative reviews since, usually, if I don't like a book, I don't read more by that author.  Or, occasionally, it is a one off by a favorite author and the next book is as strong as normal.

I do this because, while I hope my reviews help readers find authors I enjoy and buy more of their books, I also feel like I should warn people about books I didn't like.  Of course, everyone's tastes are different.  I get that.  But I am going to share why I didn't enjoy a particular book I read on my blog.

I do minimal promotion of my negative reviews, however.  I still share links on some social media, but I don't tag the author.  And I don't promote it in the groups I am part of on Facebook.


  1. I've been meaning to give this series a try. Glad you've been enjoying it.

  2. Sounds like an interesting read! I'm the same with negative reviews, my blog is the space where I share my own reading experiences after all. But similarly I don't really promote it, since it's not necessarily the author's problem if I don't like their book xD Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  3. The life of a kid... lol... Happy weekend!

  4. Great excerpts! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  5. I haven't heard of this series before. It sounds good. I'll have to check it out.

  6. I enjoy reading books set during this time period, so this series sounds right up my alley. And I'm the same with negative reviews. I'll post them on my blog, but don't promote them quite as heavily as a positive review. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  7. The protagonist has a very distinct voice. I hope you enjoyed the book.
    Kudos to you for reviewing every book you read. If I really don't like something, I don't review it. I figure not recommending something works, too.

  8. An interesting sounding book. Sometimes my page 56 quotes aren't the best and sometimes I need to explain them a bit 🤣

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  9. Happy Friday!
    I’m currently reading Potiphar’s Wife by Mesu Andrews.
    “Potiphar escaped his chamber with the relief of a prisoner on the run.”
    I hope you have an excellent weekend filled with fun reading time. 😀❤📚

  10. I don't post negative reviews, but that's just me. I think it's good that others post them, but I just can't get myself to do that.

  11. I post my negative reviews on Goodreads or Amazon, but not on the blog... and I agree with you, I'd never tag an author in a negative review.

  12. I really struggle with writing negative reviews. Often I will start writing a review for a book I don't care for, but the whole review process causes me to realize some good aspects of the book.

  13. My first line this week is from When The Meadow Blooms by Ann Gabhart:
    February 27, 1925
    “You will never be completely well. Tuberculosis leaves it’s mark on your lungs.”

  14. I just started At Love's Bidding by Regina Jennings and the first line is: "Behind the massive marble building where even in May the crisp sea air never chased away the odors ground unto the cobblestone, the newsboys and shoe-shinners gathered, waiting in her."

    On my blog is the first line is from To Tame a Cowboy by Jody Hedlund.

    I hope you have a great weekend!


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