
Sunday, October 23, 2022

Disney Pin Review: it's a small world - Cuckoo for Disney Pins - 2021 Release

Stars: 4 out of 5
Pros: Instantly recognizable as related to it’s a small world
Cons: Could have done more with the clock theme
The Bottom Line:
small world becomes clock
Could have used some more details
But this fan still likes

I Have Some Small Complaints About This Pin

It seems like people fall into one of two camps when it comes to it’s a small world.  Either you love it or you hate it.  I definitely fall into the love it category.  However, I thought the entry to represent the ride in the Cuckoo for Disney Pins series wasn’t as good as it could have been.

In some ways, the designers for this pin had it easy since there is a big clock on the front of the attraction, at least how it looks at Disneyland.  And they expertly captured the look of the building’s front in this pin.  Yes, it is taller rather than wider, but anyone should easily recognize it.  They’ve got the numbers over on the right hand side, and the giant smiling face is front and center.  The doors are open, so the dolls are about to come out of the front and do their circle at the base of the clock.  On the left hand side up in the upper corner you can see the clock face.  It’s very small and very easy to miss.  Dangling from the clock, we have three weights.  On the outside, we have two flowers, and in the middle, we have the sun.

On the one hand, I do like this pin.  The front of that building is iconic, and it always makes me smile to see it or see it represented somehow.  On the other hand, I feel like they could have and should have done more with the pin.  It would have been nice to have a few more details that make it look like a cuckoo clock.  Honestly, if you didn’t know about it being part of a cuckoo clock themed pin series, it might not be super obvious why there are things dangling down from it.

Overall, I do still like this pin.  It’s not my favorite in the series, but fans of the ride will be glad they have it in their collection.

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