
Friday, November 11, 2022

Veteran's Day's Friday Post

Welcome to Friday!  And Happy Veterans' Day here in the US.  I'm working today, but if you have the day off, I hope you enjoy.  And I hope everyone takes a few minutes to thank our Veterans.

On that note, let's get to this week's Friday post.  It's been a few weeks since I did this, but I will still be linking up to the usual suspects:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I will be pulling teasers from The Counterfeit Wife by Mally Becker.

This is a historical mystery set in Philadelphia in 1780.  And here's how it begins:

His eyes fluttered shut once, then twice.  He shook his head to clear it.  He'd find himself waking in the gutter in he didn't go home now.

Jumping ahead of page 56, we get this teaser:

Becca ran to keep up with the driver.  "Where are you taking her?"
"The Walnut Street Prison," he called cheerfully.
"But why?"
"Treason," she heard as the cart sped away.  "And murder."

I finished this book earlier in the week.  I LOVED it.  I hope you'll come back to see my review next Thursday.

Shall we take a look at the Book Blogger Hop?  This week's question is:

Which do you prefer to be known as: a voracious reader or a book nerd?

I think I'd prefer to be known as a voracious reader, but as a book blogger, I think that makes me a book nerd, doesn't it?

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I love the excerpt from page 56! I think voracious reader just sounds more elegant.

  2. I haven't read a lot of American set books from this time period. I might have to give it a try.

  3. Treason and murder, oh my!! :-) Happy weekend!

  4. Sounds intriguing!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  5. I like voracious reader as well.

  6. It's not the usual genre I read, but it does sound intriguing.

  7. This sounds really good! And I like the sound of voracious reader too. Though book nerd might be more accurate, lol. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  8. Happy Friday!
    I'm just starting Tomorrow's Steadfast Prayer by Naomi Rawlings.
    "What do you mean you couldn't get inside the camp?"
    I hope you have an excellent weekend. Happy reading! 😀❤️📚

  9. Great excerpts! I haven't read this book, but it looks like an interesting mystery.

  10. If I read faster, I'd go with voracious reader. However, since I'm slower than most readers, I prefer book nerd because while I may not read as much, I still love books and reading just as much as other bibliophiles. :D

    My Post

  11. My book this week is Authentically Izzy by Pepper Basham:
    Dear readers,
    This is a cautionary tale.
    A tale of family, literary classics, podiatry, matchmaking, Shakespeare, and distance.

  12. What a teaser for The Counterfeit Wife! It looks wonderful. I'll be looking forward to your review, Mark

  13. Okay I'm intrigued by the teasers on this one. This sounds a bit different but still a good read.


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