
Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24th's Friday Post

We've made it to Friday!  It may not be the start of a three day weekend Friday, but it is payday Friday for me, which is almost as good.  And we're going to celebrate with a Friday Post, where I will link up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I will be taking my teasers from Till Death Do Us Port by Kate Lansing.

This is the fourth book in her Colorado Wine Mysteries, and I loved it.

One thing I love about the series is how she uses grapes and wine making to comment on the action of the book.  We get a sample of that in the opening sentence.

There are as many types of goodbyes as there are varietals of grapes.

Naturally, the rest of the paragraph goes on to explain that a bit more.

Another thing I love about the series is the relationship that Parker has with her family, and there's a great example of this at 56% into the book.  In this case, she's just arrived at her brother's place, where he greets here with:

“You’re obnoxiously early.”
“I’m just shy of punctual. You’re running late.”

Yes, in the context of the book and that particular scene, you can read that with an affectionate teasing tone.

I completely enjoyed this book.  It will be out on March 7th, but my review will be up next Thursday, so I hope you'll come back and read my full thoughts then.

Meanwhile, let's hop on over to this week's Book Blogger Hop.  This week's question is:

What is the significance of your blog header?

When I decided to create a blog header, I was trying to do something that captures what all I review here, books, movies, TV shows, and Christmas ornaments being the main things.  I need to get more music reviews done, but I had intentionally left them out of the header because they weren't really showing up in the picture.  I picked some current and all time favorites to include.  I think about updating it every so often, but many of those would still be in the picture, so I just leave it alone.

That's it for the week.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Eek! I can't log in on your comments.

    I like it when authors pull a thread through the plot. It sounds like wine is that thread here.

    Anne at Head Full of Books:

  2. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this one! Have a great weekend!

  3. Perfect for wine people and I know a lot of these.

  4. The book sounds clever and interesting - I like those recurring references (the grapes or wine) to tie a whole story together. I've often wondered about the Christmas ornaments in your header and now I know! I like it! Happy Friday!

  5. I love the wine theme!! Happy weekend!

  6. Oh I so want to catch up with this series. I absolutely loved the first one and this sounds good too.

  7. I love your header. The collectors items are gorgeous.

  8. That passage at pg 56 gives me a sense of the humor of the book.

  9. This sounds like my kind of series--thanks for featuring it!

  10. My first line comes from The Maid of Ballymacool by Jennifer Deibel:
    County Donegal, Ireland September 1935
    The slap had hit its mark, leaving a burning outline Brianna was certain showed perfectly on her cheek.

  11. I noticed Once Upon a Time in your collection. I'm such a newbie - I just started watching the series on Disney+ this year. I'm only six or so episodes into the first season, but I'm loving it so far. Enjoy your weekend! :-)

    1. Once Upon a Time is one of my favorite shows, and season 1 was the best. I enjoyed the first six seasons, but others tire of it before then. Hope you continue to enjoy!

  12. Another series to add to my TBR list! Sounds great. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

  13. I haven't started this series but I'm regretting the decision as I've read such great reviews for it. I love the teasers for this one and that she keeps the thread of wine and grapes through the story.

  14. You have a very distinctive header - certainly helps remember you and your interests - except there's no reference to Ultimate. :) hubby and boys play ultimate as well when they can but their knees are getting a bit creaky to let them compete the way they like to. ha. Sounds like a fun book and I also like when the locale can be tied so well to the story. Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  15. It's definitely a good header to show those things, although I didn't realize until today that it wasn't just three book stacks because I hadn't looked all that closely. Have a great weekend. - Katie

    My BBH if you care to visit --

  16. I'm currently reading Brooke by Ronie Kendig. It's intense.
    "Holy fires, it hurt to breathe. She wanted to slow down but knew she couldn't."
    I hope you're having a great weekend!

  17. Cozy mysteries have some of the best titles. I'm just beginning Kidnapped in Texas by Virginia Vaughan. The first line is: "Abby Mitchell crossed the street to drop a letter into the mailbox." Hope you have a great week!


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