
Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27th's Weekly TV Thoughts

Tracker – The first episode I haven’t loved.  Okay, the cracks about home schooling put a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.  But overall, the outcome to the cast felt rushed and weird.  Why was she kept alive all this time but her friend killed?  It’s too bad since I felt like the initial set up was great, and I was even intrigued by the ghost/witch part of it, knowing it would turn out to be fake (like it was).  At least we got reminders about Shaw’s backstory.  No advancement, but proof they haven’t forgotten about it.

Deal or No Deal Island – What was Stephanie thinking?  Lying like that was bound to catch up to her?  Rob lies, but he wouldn’t have lied like that.  It was too easy for it to blow up in the liar’s face.  I did feel bad for Nick.  His first offer was dangerous, and then this one was really fifty/fifty.  Although any offer would have been that with only two cases left in play.

The Weakest Link – They managed to get a decent amount of money in the end.  Considering how rough the early rounds were, I wasn’t so sure that would happen.  Really thought the other guy would wind up winning based on how the rounds went, but it’s all about the questions you get.

Survivor – Ugh!  It’s one thing when it is a blind side.  But I thought Hunter was safe as well.  He’s got to still be kicking himself.  I know I would be.  Yet another reason why I could never play the game.

The Amazing Race – There was actually movement this time around.  Okay, so overall, there wasn’t much movement in the ranks.  A couple of teams made major swaps, but that’s about it.  But it was still exciting to see teams passing each other.  We haven’t seen much of that this season.  The nurses either need to figure out how to communicate or they need to leave the race.  Or both.  I’m ready for them to be eliminated.

1 comment:

  1. On Amazing Race there are a few teams that I am ok with leaving. I am impressed though with the Walla Walla son--welding, navigating, and drumming.


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