
Friday, December 13, 2024

December 13th's Friday Post

Welcome to Friday and this week's Friday Post.  I will be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

My teasers for the first three this week come from Sleep in Heavenly Pizza by Mindy Quigley.

Yep, I'm in the middle of my Christmas cozies for the year.  This is the fourth book in the Deep Dish Mysteries, and I really enjoyed it.

We start out with a first line that helps set the scene:

Melody Schacht bounced into the kitchen, her springy blond curls accentuated by an enormous reindeer antler headband.

Melody is one of the recurring characters in the series.  Meanwhile, page 56 brings us this conflict:

"How dare you show your face in public?" the woman yelled.  Her breath formed little clouds in the glacial air, making the anger emanating from her almost tangible.
"Don't touch me," Adrian hissed.  "I'll call the police."

What does this conflict have to do with the plot?  You'll have to read the book to find out.

As I said earlier, I enjoyed it myself.  My review will be up on Tuesday next week, so I hope you'll come back to read it.

Meanwhile, let's close things out with this week's Book Blogger Hop.  The question is:

Are there any winter or holiday-themed novels you eagerly anticipate reading every December, either as tradition or to get in the Christmas spirit?

I haven't reread books on a regular basis in years.  Sadly.  There are some I'd really like to reread.  There just isn't time with all the books calling out to be read and reviewed on my blog.

However, most years Donna Andrews releases a Christmas set entry in her Meg Langslow series, and reading those in December has become something of a tradition I look forward to every year.  In fact, I'll be reviewing the latest in that series on Thursday next week.

But for now?  Have a great weekend!


  1. My favorite author, Jodi Taylor, also releases a Christmas story every year. That's how I spend my Christmas morning. My BBH:

  2. Very cute title. It made me want to burst into song.

  3. Happy Friday!
    I'm just starting Cotswolds Holiday by Kasey Stockton.
    "I never knew I would feel so strongly about an embossed square of luxury cardstock, but apparently paper had the ability to produce a visceral reaction."
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 🙂❤️📚

  4. This looks fun and is a series I need to read from the beginning! Love the teasers.


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