
Friday, January 10, 2025

January 10th's Friday Post

Welcome to Friday and this week's Friday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Book Beginnings
First Line Friday
Friday 56
Book Blogger Hop

For the first three, I will be featuring quotes from Welcome Home to Murder by Rosalie Spielman.

This is the first in a series that has been on my radar for a while.  The main character has just retired from the Army, which makes her a little older than the main characters I usually read about.  Overall, I enjoyed the book.

It has a bit of humor, as you can tell from how it opens:

"I don't imagine a raccoon would turn down peanut butter, but do you really think his little hands could open the jar?"

Yes, it took me a couple of times to get that line straight in my head when I read it, but when I did, I laughed.

Meanwhile, at 56% into the book, we find this:

I smiled and waved at Aunt Edna as I got ready to pull out onto Route 8. She waved back, erratically, so I paused to look down the street.
"Oh wow, look at that."
"Holy…is that normal?" Nick gaped.

What are they seeing?  I'll let you discover that by picking up the book.

I'm aiming to have my review up on Thursday.  Of course, I have to write the review first.  Minor detail, right?

For today, however, let's finish things off with this week's Book Blogger Hop.  This week's question is:

January is National Hobby Month. Do you have any pastimes or interests other than reading that go well with your love of books and literature?

Reviewing?  Honestly, that's about it.  I try to be active as well, and I rarely listen to audiobooks while I'm running or anything like that.  And I can't watch TV while reading.  

That's it for me.  Hope you have a great weekend.


  1. I'm quirky, I guess, but I think everything I do---walking, baking, guitar playing, etc.---goes (somehow!) along with reading.

  2. I bake, and you can eat good snacks while you read. That's as close to a hobby related to my love of books as I can find!

    Never heard of this series, but it sounds like one I'd enjoy! As I get older, it's fun to read books with protagonists who are closer to my age. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I enjoy how you incorporate humor into your book beginnings/Friday56 post. I always enjoy reading what you write.

    1. How about a little fun with our 2024 end of year book lists? Join me for the My Year in Reading , which is little like Mad Libs but with book titles. Check it out: My Year in Reading

  4. I like the time Come Home to Murder, although I don't think I'd actually want to come home to a murder. I don't think I've read a cozy with a retired army person as the protagonist. I I will have to check this one out.

    Reviewing definitely should count. :-) I hope you have a great weekend, Mark!

  5. That first quote is amusing.

    I don't have a lot of spare time and any that I have I read and Blog. When I am out and about with the kids though I do like to take photos.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  6. That's a great first line! And I would think if reviewing books doesn't count, then nothing does.

  7. This book is on my TBR. I have a couple of reviews I need to post (and write) this week too. I definitely do believe reviewing/blogging counts as a hobby related to reading. And I agree - I can't read while watching t.v. either. That takes true talent. :)

  8. This looks really fun! And yes a raccoon can open a jar of peanut butter. My Mother-in-law babysat one for a friend who had one as a pet and it was the most exhausting couple of hours of her life apparently!

  9. Hmm, reviewing is definitely something we dedicate time and effort into. I'd say that sounds like a hobby to me.


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