
Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18th's Weekly TV Thoughts

As always, watch for spoilers below.  On multiple shows this time.

Tracker - Of course the brother is going to deny that he had anything to do with their dad's death.  However, I do tend to believe him.  It does track with what else we know and it seems to make the most sense.  I'm assuming it will be season two before we really get more about this.  Maybe a cliffhanger next week for the season finale.

American Ninja Warrior - As much as I love the show, this special shows the issue I'm going to have with it going forward.  By letting younger kids in, they are making ti harder for the old favorites to realistically compete and win.  I know that eventually my favorites would have to retire anyway, but this is just hastening making them irrelevant.  Not to take anything away from the winner.  She did a great job and was clearly the best one on that final stage.

Deal or No Deal Island - Called it last week.  Rob was eliminated right out of the maze, and Howie was the banker.  I'm happy for the winner and the start of her family.  

Survivor – Another week, another player voted out with an idol in their pocket.  I wonder how many of the players realize what is going on?  How many hidden idols are at camp?  I’m not at all sorry to see Q gone.  I get why he stayed around like he did, but I’m so glad he is out of there.  I’m with those who wanted him out a lot sooner than he was.

The Amazing Race – For an episode that ended the way I expected, there were some surprises along the way.  Ricky and Cesar getting third in the first leg was a surprise – their lowest finish.  The pilots coming back from their very wrong turn to come in second was a surprise.  I figured they’d be third.  I’ve got to say, I loved their attitude.  They had to be frustrated, but they were laughing it off.  Just so sad to see the nurses get engaged.  I just don’t see their relationship working out.

1 comment:

  1. Your Amazing Race summary shows my exact thoughts: why did she say yes when he proposed?! Maybe when they got home she changed her mind? I can only hope. I was tense when Cesar and Ricky dropped behind; they so clearly deserved to win.


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