
Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Another fairly quiet week for me.  I had my church small group Thursday night, but now we're taking off for the summer and will start meeting again in the fall.

Our weather has been cool.  I don't know if we've hit 70 every day this week despite the predictions.  It was cool and overcast when I went out for a run at lunch time yesterday - barely above 60.  I'm ready for warmer weather!

Speaking of running, I've been gearing up for the Camp Pendleton Mud Run in two weeks.  I ran 4.5 miles three days this week.  My legs were not happy with me each time.  It's been years since I ran much over 3.5 miles, and they are reminding me of that fact.  And yes, my runs include walk breaks.  It's also been years since I ran without stopping.  But at least I'm covering the distance.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Book Review: The Last Thing Claire Wanted by Karin Fitz Sanford
Tuesday - Movie Review: Coming Home
Wednesday - Book Review: White Elephant Dead by Carolyn Hart
Thursday - Movie Review: The Fall Guy
Friday - Book Review: Tragedy in Tahoe by Rachel Baker
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I had another two book week this week.  Granted, there are some ARCs I haven't gotten yet, so I expect that to change in the next couple of weeks.  Or at least I hope it does since some of these books are already out or coming out very soon.

The first book was my preorder of Playing it Safe by Ashley Weaver.  This book just came out in paperback, and so that's what I had preordered.  It's book three in a series about a safe cracker helping the Allies in World War II.  I loved the first book when I read it last year, and just got the second a couple of months back.  So now I need to actually read book two so I am ready for this one.  I'm really looking forward to them, I just need to find the time.

Then, on Saturday, I got an ARC of Murder at an English Seance, the eighth Beryl and Edwina Mystery from Jessica Ellicott.  This series is set in England in the 1920's.  I really enjoy the friendship between the leads and always look forward to seeing where their latest adventure will take them.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm starting on June releases already.  However, I am planning to review these first two the last week of May.  That's how full my June is, I need to start on the books and reviews now to have a chance of fitting them all in.

Friday, I finished Kill or Bee Killed by Jennie Marts.  This is the second Bee Keeping Mystery.  Overall, I enjoyed it.  Still need to write my review, but I've got a bit of time yet.  Considering I just wrote some of the reviews I plan to post this week on Saturday, I am glad I have that buffer between finishing the book and needing to post the review.

I've just barely started my next book - I Sleep Around by Sue Ann Jaffarian.  This is my first non-fiction book in I can't remember how long.  It's about her life now as a traveling writer who has retired from her day job.  I was a fan of Sue Ann's mysteries (and hope she's get back to them), so I'm looking forward to seeing what her life is like now.

That's it for me.  Have a great week!


  1. I like an overcast day 😂

    Good luck with the running.

    I'm going to have to be careful about blog tours etc as I've said that I will do 10 books for the 20 books of summer challenge (starting off low 😂).

    Have a great week next week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. I'm very admiring of your running - and best of luck with the rest of the training for the mud run. I'm so impressed that you've started on your June arcs already, as for the whole of this year I've mostly been behind... Have a great week.

  3. Traveling writer sounds like a great job.

  4. How wonderful that you are training for the upcoming run. Good luck with it!

    It's also great that you have such a full calendar for June.

  5. Your books look good! Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. "I Sleep Around" is a very clever title for that book. LOL. Non-fiction used to be all I read, but nowadays it's rare. Great job on the running. Hopefully your body will get used to it the more you do it. Have a great week. :)

  7. Good Luck with running and hope you have great reading week.

  8. LOL, I wondered about "I Sleep Around," it did not sound like something you would normally read! Have a great week!

  9. Great title for the non fiction. Made me chuckle....the crime ones all have such quaint covers. I'm guessing Agatha Christie style? #StackingtheShelves

  10. Ohmygosh yes!!! It was cold all week and I had to have all the windows open day and night so that floors and walls could dry. I had to put on socks and hoodie to keep from freezing to death. lol

    Sounds like you're on a good track preparing for the Mud Run!

  11. Seances seem to be having a moment in our popular culture. I read two novels about London's spiritualism scene in the last few months, both of them were set in 1873.

    Good luck with your training!

  12. Kill or Bee Killed sounds good. I'll have to check out that series. I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week!

  13. It's great that you are running again and that you are giving yourself grace to walk when you need to.

  14. Oh man. I struggled with running for miles too. Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  15. I've been enjoying the Ashley Weaver series too. Your weather is sounding a lot like mine which is not usual for us since Minnesota tends to run colder than California. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  16. Good luck on your run! I've been meaning to start that Ashley Weaver series; it sounds really good.

  17. Our weather has been strange. Cool one day, rainy, and now expecting a few days of above average temperatures.

    All your books sound great this week, especially I Sleep Around. Hope you enjoy your week.

  18. Good luck with your mud run. Is that inside the Pendleton base? You seem like an expert mystery reader ... Happy reading.

  19. The Jennie Marts book looks good. I have never found ARCs that come in paperback - only ebooks but I think I'm glad because then if I hated it I'd have to try to remember to take it to the library sale or a little library and I can seriously never remember to do that! Argh!

    We had all cool temps last week and this week it is supposed to be in the 80s. I'm not really ready for summer so I am not looking forward to it.

    Good luck on your training for the run!

  20. Nope - I do not run. Especially not outdoors! I'm impressed by the 4.5 miles! Have you seen the It's a Small World ornament Hallmark is releasing in July? It's on my must buy list. I hope you're having a great week!


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