
Sunday, July 28, 2024

July 28th's Sunday/Monday Post

Hi, and welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Tuesday night was the launch party for Ellen Byron's latest book, A Very Woodsy Murder.  Yes, I'd already read and reviewed it, but it was close enough that I decided to go anyway.  And I'm glad I did.  I left a little early and ate dinner in the neighborhood.  It was fun getting to see her and chat for a few minutes.  And it was just nice to do something fun after work one night.

Other than that, it's been HOT.  It cooled off to the low 90's today, but it was 100 pretty much all week here.  Even when I ran before work, it was hot this week.  Supposed to start warming up again Tuesday which isn't a surprise since mid-90's is more our summer temp with some time in the 100's.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Movie Review: Please Don't Eat the Daisies
Tuesday - Book Review: Puzzle Me a Murder by Roz Noonan
Wednesday - July's Reading Summary
Thursday - Book Review: Public Anchovy #1 by Mindy Quigley
Friday - Friday Post (but subject to change)
Saturday - TV Show Review: Diagnosis: Murder - Season 8

Book Haul:

Remember how proud I was to have only three new books over two weeks?  Yeah, that was nice.  I've got five new books this week.

Yes, I bought two books at the book launch party.  I wasn't necessarily planning to buy anything, but they had a couple of books I'd been eyeing, so I caved and bought them.  The first was I Only Read Murder by Ian Ferguson and Will Ferguson.  It's the story of an actress who starred in a TV mystery series finding herself caught up in a real life murder mystery.  It sounds like a ton of fun to me.

I've had The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood on my radar for longer.  This is a series set in a British village with some senior sleuths.  I've heard some mixed things about it, but I still want to give it a try.

The other three books are books I ordered from Barnes and Noble when they were offering triple stamps to members.  I couldn't turn that down, now could I?

Crime and Parchment by Daphne Silver won the Agatha for best first traditional mystery back in April.  It was already on my radar, but this made me extra anxious to read it.

Secrets Don't Sink by K.B. Jackson is set in a small Washington town, and it sounds like a lot of fun.

Finally, Kilned at the Ceramic Shop by Donna Clancy caught my eye because my grandma did ceramics, and I did them with her for about a year when I was in late elementary school or jr. high (don't remember for sure which).  As far as I'm aware, this isn't a hobby that's been done in a cozy series before, but the theme sure hooked me.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm writing this later than I normally might on a Saturday night because I was working on finishing Please Don't Push Up the Daisies by Diane Vallere.  This is book eleven in her Madison Night series.  I'm all caught up on the series...until the next book comes out in October.  But I'll take it while I can.  Anyway, I enjoyed it despite some inconsistencies in the book.  Fortunately, they were minor and things made sense at the end.

Up next, I'm going traveling with Death in St. George's by M.A. Monnin.  This is the third in the Intrepid Traveler series, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens to the characters in this one.

Have a great week!


  1. I've somewhat given up on trying to keep my hauls low... I seem to be very boom and bust at the moment. What matters is that we're enjoying our books, though, right?

    I'm veeery curious about Crime and Parchment now! Hope you enjoy it; curious to hear what you think.

    My STS/Sunday Post.

  2. Yay for feeding your tbr pile! Sounds like you had a good week. Happy reading.

  3. Nice haul! And, so fun to be able to go to an author event. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  4. How can you resist the water sports on Olympic coverage. The waves are so huge!!
    best, mae at

  5. How wonderful that you got to attend the launch party for A Very Woodsy Murder! That's something I've never gotten to do.

    I Only Read Murder sounds like fun. Great cover, too.

  6. How exciting to attend that event and get some new books.

    We have had mixed weather here but it is supposed to get hot for the next couple of days. I'm not looking forward to it.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  7. Sounds like a fun week. I've never been to a launch party, but I've attended readings. Great book haul. I'm reading Death in St. George's too. Hope you have a great week.

  8. It's been hot (for Minnesota) here too. Right now it's raining which has cooled things off. The Ellen Byron event sounds like fun. I liked both The Marlow Murder Club and I Only Read Murder and hope you do too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  9. It's cool that you got to attend a launch party! It's been hot here too. It's going to be 96 today.

  10. I've only gone to one launch party in my life and it was a crowded affair which made me want to go home. Ha! No chatting with the author for me.

  11. Sometimes I think I gloss over a book if I am enjoying it and don't see inconsistencies, it makes me wonder if I am critical enough. Critical meant in a good learned way!

  12. Going to a book event after work sounds like a lovely way to spend your evening! I hope you enjoy the books you got!

  13. How fun to meet Ellen Byron! I've really enjoyed her books. I read Marlowe Murder Club and liked it enough that I got the second book and enjoyed that as well. It's probably not on my list of favorites but it's good. I hope you enjoy it. Have a great week!

  14. Not a surprise that you bought books at the event. When I go to a bookstore or book event, I get all caught up in the possibility of new books and can't stop myself.


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