Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21st's Sunday/Monday Post

It's time again for a Sunday/Monday Post.  I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Yes, I took last week off from my Sunday/Monday post.  I knew Saturday was going to be a crazy busy day, and since that's when I normally work on these posts, I decided not to try to add that on.

Last Saturday was game day.  And last Saturday was ornament premier at Hallmark, so I had to stop by there and get some ornaments.  And an author I've read was doing a book signing at the used/independent bookstore in town.  It's about a mile and a half from me and pretty near the friends who host game day.  Sadly, it started at the same time as game day, but I had to go.  Fortunately, it didn't take me that long to get to game day when I was done.

As you can see, busy day.  But it was fun.

Then, last Sunday, I went to see a friend preach in his church.  And went out to lunch afterwards.  A great day, but I didn't get home until much later than normal.

This Saturday, I headed down to Santa Monica for a couple of hours.  I wanted to get out of the condo, and it's so hot around here.  It was cooler than I was expecting at the beach and foggy, but it was nice to get out of the condo for a bit.

Blog Spam Comment of the Week:

It's been a while since I had one of these I felt was worthy of sharing.  But this one made me laugh so I had to share.  They tried to post it on one of my rare podcast reviews:

I love how practical your advice is. It's clear you understand the challenges readers face and provide real solutions.

At least this one has good grammar and spelling.  But I didn't know there were such challenges and solutions relating to finding a good podcast to listen to.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - TV Show Review: The Acolyte - Season 1
Tuesday - Book Review: Dream Town by Lee Goldberg
Wednesday - Ornament Review: Season's Treatings #16
Thursday - Book Review: The Case of the Ghost of Christmas Morning by P.J. Fitzsimmons
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

Can you believe it?  It's been two weeks, but I only have three books to tell you about.  In fact, if I'd done this post last week, I'd have no books to tell you about today.  I don't think that's happened since I started doing these posts.

Let's start with the book I got from the book signing.  Last Writes is the fourth in Sheila Lowe's series.  Best I could tell, she didn't have book three, which is actually the next one I need to add to my collection.  I've just read the first book, so I need to get moving on reading the series.  I now have four books in the series I haven't read yet.  Fortunately, for this read in order guy, I do have book two.

My other two books are both September ARCs.  Up first is French Quarter Fright Night, the third Vintage Cookbook Mystery from Ellen Byron.  This one is set around Halloween, so it should be a fun one.  And yes, it is set in New Orleans.

Finally comes A Slay Ride Together with You, the seventh Year-Round Christmas Mystery from Vicki Delany.  I always enjoy this series, so I'm looking forward to catching up with the characters.

What I'm Currently Reading:

As I type this, I just finished Public Anchovy #1 by Mindy Quigley.  It's the third in the Deep Dish mysteries.  This time, we are trapped by a storm in a mansion with a killer.  If only they could figure out who it is.  Believe it or not, this will be my first August review, so I've got a little time to write and schedule the review.

Meanwhile, I'm also working on an audio book.  Sugarplum Dead is the twelfth Death on Demand Mystery from Carolyn Hart.  Yes, it's set at Christmas, although that is in the background now that the mystery has finally gotten started.  I'm curious where this one is going to go.

Next up for me will be The Key to Deceit by Ashley Weaver.  I really enjoyed the first book in this series about a safe cracker who is forced to help England during World War II.  I'm hoping the second in the series is just as good.

That's it from me.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Normally, summer is an extremely busy, active time for me, but the hurricane cancelled lots of things, and I ended up having lots of time to read. It sounds like you are abuzz with activity right now. I'm glad you made time to stop by and share your week with us.

    I wonder what ornaments you came home with!

  2. That sounds like a good weekend for being out and about.

    The Key To Deceit has a terrific cover and I like the setting of that series. I'll have to take a look.

  3. Last writes looks really good! Sounds like you had a great weekend and needed to take a break. Have a good week!

  4. Sounds like a nice busy time. A good book haul. I've noticed more Christmas books slowly coming in. I'm doing Christmas In July with the kids this year so I also have a Christmas book!

    I had an excellent comment on my Instagram account from a private account who I don't follow. They commented on my WWW Wednesday post saying "It's Friday IDIOT". In capital letters like that. I was very confused because it clearly said that I had posted it on Wednesday. It's not my fault that they didn't see it until Friday. Clearly I was not the idiot in this case...I decided to block this strange account 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  5. The spam comments are so funny; I wonder what they hope to achieve.

    Your Saturday sounds full and fun. I do think it's good to shake up our routine every now and then (especially if it means getting to the beach).

  6. Wow! You sure had a busy week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post and The Sunday Watch

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  7. I couldn't believe Hallmark released 250 new ornaments. That's so cool. Christmas mysteries are so much fun! Hope you enjoy your books this week.

  8. Sounds like you are keeping very busy! I got the Ellen Byron book for my review stack too. And I did enjoy The Key to Deceit and hope you do too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  9. That comment sounded very un-spamlike! I think it would have fooled me, but maybe they left a link that gave it away.
    Looks like you've got a Christmas in July theme in your books this week! I haven't been getting much reading/blogging time in lately, because of doing social stuff and other hobbies that take up time, as well as staying late at work, etc. :(

  10. I liked the first of the Deep Dish mysteries. I'll have to look Public Anchovy up.



Thanks for stopping by. In order to combat spam, I moderate most comments. I'll get to your comment as soon as I can.