
Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to the weekend!  Time for this week's Sunday/Monday Post, where I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Not much happened this week.  I worked, and made some great progress on all the deadlines I have this month.  I'm on pace to meet my deadlines for Tuesday and Friday of this coming week, which is a relief.  September is the craziest month for me, so I'm always happy when stuff starts to to fall into place.

The weather has seriously cooled off.  After being over 100 on Sunday and Monday, it's now in the 80's.  And it's supposed to be in the 70's the early part of next week before starting to warm up again.

Hopefully, that will help the wildfires.  We've got a bunch of them all over the state.  Nothing that is near me, fortunately, but I have some friends dealing with the smoke.

And today is game day.  So I'd better get this draft finished (I'm typing Saturday morning but won't post until much later), so I can finish getting ready to go.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Book Review: A Slay Ride Together with You by Vicki Delany
Tuesday - Movie Review: The Cases of Mystery Lane - Murder is Listening
Wednesday - Book Review: Mrs. Claus and the Nightmare Before New Year's by Liz Ireland
Thursday - Movie Review: Venom - Let There Be Carnage
Friday - Book Review: What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust by Alan Bradley
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I've got three books to tell you about this week.

I've actually already read the first, which is The Glass Bottom Hoax by Diane Vallere.  This is the latest in her Madison Night Mysteries, and it's great that I'm actually caught up on this series.  This latest is a lot of fun, with Madison undercover on a cruise ship.  I still need to write the review, but I'm planning to review it on release day, which is 9/24, so I've got a little time yet.

I also got an ARC of The Gardener's Plot by Deborah J. Benoit.  This book won a contest to get published by Minotaur Books, and I've enjoyed some of the other authors who got published this way.  I'm anxious to see what I think of this one.  I'll be reading and reviewing it closer to it's release in November.

Finally, I snagged the ebook version of Big Trouble on Sullivan's Island by Susan M. Boyer.  She's been on my radar for a long time, but I haven't read anything by her yet.  I may have the first book in her first series around here somewhere.  Anyway, couldn't pass up 99 cents for the book.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I'm currently reading Wonton Terror by Vivien Chien, the fourth in her Noodle Shop Mysteries.  Since book 10 just came out, I am woefully behind in the series.  I'm enjoying this one, which deals with a death at a night market.  It's looking like I'll still be working on this one come Monday.

That's it for me.  Have a great week!


  1. The heat and wildfires in California really sound terrible. I hope that there will be some weather relief for you soon.
    best, mae at

  2. The Gardener’s Plot sounds like a book I’d like as I love gardening cozies. I can think of the cozies by Anne Ripley for instance as among the best I’ve read in this genre.

  3. Your books this week sound delightful, perfect for your busy month.

    I'm glad things are cooling off finally. We had a bit of respite from the heat, but it's going to be over a hundred in Waco this week. Thank goodness my sister has a pool.

  4. Glad you're not getting the smoke but it's unfortunate that so many areas are. Hope they can get control of the fires. Enjoy your game day and books. and thx for visiting my site.

  5. The Gardener's Plot sounds like one I would like to read. That's awful about the fires and I hope you don't have much smoke hanging in your area. When my brother was living in San Diego years ago he said the smoke made it look like nightime.

  6. I’m glad you’re not directly affected by the fires. My friends in LA claim there are just two seasons: fire season and not fire season. I think it’s even worse than when I lived out there just 8 years ago. Looks like a good haul. And Wonton Terror is a great title that makes me want to take a look.

  7. The Gardener’s Plot sounds great! Have a great rest of your weekend Mark!

  8. I hope you enjoy all of these. Happy reading!

  9. I hope your friends stay safe from the wildfires. I can't imagine what it's like to breathe in that stuff. We sometimes get some of the effects from wildfires and that's bad enough. Hope you have a healthy, happy week. :)

  10. Hopefully your friends are able to stay safe. One of my closest friends lived in Paradise when that massive fire occurred. She was pregnant, sending me videos of their escape basically, fire on both sides of the road. It was terrifying, knowing I could not help from so far away. Miraculously, her house survived with minimal damage, the air conditioner melted a little. Every other house on her block/in her circle was completely destroyed.

  11. The Gardener's Plot sounds fun! Hope you enjoy the new books.

    It suddenly became autumn here too, the weather just changed within the week. Here's hoping it does help the wildfires!

  12. I'm glad it is cooling off by you. I hope it helps the fires, they are terrible. I'm looking forward to your review of the new Santaland book by Liz Ireland.

  13. I'm glad you are getting cooler weather. I have The Gardener's Plot to review and it looks good. I read Wonton Terror and enjoyed it. I love this series and I need to catch up too. Hope you have a great week!

  14. Great you are on target for all of September. I read one book by Susan M. Boyer and enjoyed it. A cosy mystery.

  15. I have The Gardener's Plot on my review stack too. I didn't know its publication story. Enjoy your cooler weather. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  16. It is the best feeling when you're ahead of all your deadlines! Especially when it's your busiest month. I hope you hit them all easily and soon!

  17. Glad to hear your work is falling into place this month! (Wish I could say the same for mine.)
    I admire your frequent posting, and weekly tracking of your purchases. I keep swearing I'm going to get my review books, TBR list, challenge books, etc. all organized and scheduled, but I never do it. The Gardener's Plot sounds especially intriguing!

  18. This is my favourite time of year. I love that it is still warm in the afternoon, but cools right down at night. I am sorry about all the forest fires you are experiencing. We were lucky this year to have nothing really close to us.

  19. I hope the temperature drop helps with the wildfires. What a terrible situation. And hooray for met deadlines.



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