
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Weekend's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  I'll be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Hope everyone here in the states is having a good Memorial Day weekend.  Yes, it is nice to have the extra day off, and I'm planning to do some serious vegging.  But it is important to remember those who sacrificed for our country as well.  I don't have too much in the way of plans going forward this weekend, so I'll do a little of both.

Friday night, I had some friends over.  This is the couple that hosts my regular game days.  They are huge fans of the TV show psych, which I also enjoyed back in the day.  They hadn't seen the second and third movies, and I hadn't seen the third, so we did a double feature before my year of having Peacock ends in a little over a week.

Saturday morning was walking book club again.  Last one I'll make for a while since I've got a busy few weekends ahead of me.  In fact, I may be hit or miss on these posts the new few weeks as well.  Next weekend, I'll be doing the Camp Pendleton Mud Run and then visiting friends on the way home.  Not sure I will be back in time or feel like putting one of these together.

Joke of the Week:

What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Movie Review: Venom
Tuesday - Book Review: Kill or Bee Killed by Jennie Marts
Wednesday - Book Review: I Sleep Around by Sue Ann Jaffarian
Thursday - May Reading Summary
Friday - Friday Post
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I managed to keep my book haul to two books again.  I know, I can't believe it either.  Even more surprising, both of these books will be reviewed in June.  They aren't books that I'm grabbing to read at some point in the future.

Up first is Dance Hall of the Dead, the second Leaphorn and Chee Mystery from Tony Hillerman.  I grabbed the audio version of this book to listen to next weekend while I'm driving too and from Camp Pendleton.  Based on the length, I should finish it easily during that trip, so I haven't started it yet.

The other books is one of the ones I talked about waiting for last week.  Murder in the Air is the latest Destinations Murders short story anthology featuring different cozy mystery authors.  The book actually came out this week, so what I got was a very late ARC, with the editors telling me to get to it when I could since they got it to me so late.  Truly, I appreciate that, especially since June is rather full of books I've grabbed ARCs for already.

What I'm Currently Reading:

However, since I'm still waiting for some of the ARCs I had planned to read in June (and who knows when I will get them at this point), I went ahead and read Murder in the Air.  I finished it Saturday morning after the walking book club.  There are eight stories, and they are fun.  Full review will be coming June 4th.

I'm going to keep that travel theme going with Murder on the Med by Nancy Cole Silverman.  This is the third in her Kat Lawson series about a former reporter who gets hired to help find stolen art.  This time, we're on a cruise ship, and I'm really looking forward to a not quite relaxing vacation for Kat.  Yes, I plan to read some over the weekend, but since I'm ahead of my reading schedule, I'm going to give myself a bit more time to just chill over the next couple of days.

Here's to a great week!


  1. Psych is a great show. I'm in the middle of picking out a movie for Memorial Day Weekend. Pearl Harbor or Heartbreak Ridge? Here's my SP:

  2. Our weekend for honouring our fallen is in November, when we have Remembrance Sunday. But I hope you enjoy this weekend and that the training for the race goes well.

  3. Walking book club sounds interesting. Enjoy your books!

  4. I liked the joke of the week! Have a great weekend!

  5. Good luck on the mud run; I hope it's fun. My daughter and brother have both come into town so I am really looking forward to this long weekend!

  6. I hope your mud run goes well. It sounds like an interesting experience!

    Have you posted before about the walking book club? I am very curious about it.

    I do hope you are at least able to post a bit.

  7. You got me hooked on Psych! I'm recording and watching the series on The Hallmark Channel, so I just dove in where they are. I started at the end of season 3 and I've been watching one episode each day. It's such a great blend of humor and mystery. I'm glad to know there are movies after the series. I don't have Peacock, but I'm sure I can borrow them from the library. Have a great weekend and week! :)

  8. By the way, you left us with a cliffhanger with the joke. Lol. Are you going to tell us the answer? I can't figure it out.

  9. I never heard of a walking book club i used to walk with a friend before she moved and my job got to demanding for me to go anymore. Hope you enjoy your traveling theme in your upcoming reads.

  10. I do like a weekend of chilling. I haven't had one of those in years. We have to keep my son amused so 🤣

    I hope that you enjoy your run next weekend.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  11. Have fun on your mud run! I had a light week for new additions too. Mostly additions to series I already read. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  12. Enjoy your run! Hope you indulge in some vegging this weekend.

  13. It took me a beat, but I got the joke!
    I love having the 3-day weekend but feel guilty about not doing anything special to mark the Memorial Day holiday.
    While on vacation last week in Bermuda, I bought a copy of Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies. I think I may have first seen it mentioned on your blog!

  14. I hope you had a great holiday weekend! Good luck with the mud run. My gym does mud runs every summer, but they're always on weekends, so I have to work and can't go.


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