
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Labor Day Weekend's Sunday/Monday Post

Time for this week's Sunday/Monday Post.  Yes, I'm doing them two weeks in a row!  I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It was a pretty quiet week.  I tried to take it easy and shake off my cold.  It's definitely doing better, but I still have some congestion.  I just want it to go away!

I got a random package this week - one I wasn't expecting.  Turned out, it was a page a day calendar I ordered back at the end of the year.  The post office had claimed they delivered it in early January, but I never got it, so I'd gotten a replacement.  No clue where it's been for the last nine months.  The box was unopened.  So, did the post office have it?  Did a neighbor get it and just now pass it on?

It's quarter end at work again.  (Remember, we have that slightly off fiscal year.)  It always hits around a holiday.  Not looking forward to the next couple of weeks.

But in the meantime, it is a three day weekend here in the states.  I'm hoping to get to the beach at some point to enjoy our resurgence of nice weather.  Okay, fine, it's going to be triple digits where I live.  I'm sure I won't be lonely at the beach.

Joke of the Week:

The bartender says, "We don't serve time travelers here."
A time traveler walks into a bar.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - Movie Review: The Glass Bottom Boat
Tuesday - Book Review: A Royal Affair by Allison Montclair
Wednesday - TV Show Review: Tracker - Season 1
Thursday - Book Review: A Scape Goat for Murder by Jacqueline Vick
Friday - Book Review: The Late Show by Michael Connelly
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

Would you believe I just have two books to talk about this week?  Rather shocking, isn't it?

The first is a preorder.  It actually came out last week, but it took a few days to arrive.  Shock and Paw is the eighth Cat Cafe Mystery from Cate Conte.  It's the second Christmas entry in the series.  I really enjoy these books, and I'm looking forward to it, but I'm going to save it to enjoy closer to Christmas.  Whether that turns out to be late November or early December, we will have to see.  I haven't planned out my reading quite that far in advance yet.

The second book is Ranch Dressing by Diane Vallere.  This is the latest in her Samantha Kidd series.  I've been reading some of her other series and focusing on them, so I'm still a couple Samantha books behind, but I will be enjoying this one next year at some point.  I'm so close to being caught up on all of Diane Vallere's books.

What I'm Currently Reading:

I decided to bump a couple of those books I talked about in my book haul last week up and read them right away.  That means Friday, I finished Until Depths Do Us Part by K.B. Jackson.  This is the first in her Cruising Sisters Mysteries.  And it was great!  A wedding on a private cruise ship ends in tragedy when the bride to be in killed.  I've got to write my review, but as you can see, I'm not planning to review it this week anyway.

I've just barely started 26 Below by Kimberly Woodhouse.  As in, I'm about 40 pages in.  So far, we have been having some set up, but I think the plot just took the first turn, so I'm anxious to see where it will go from here.

If you are in the States, I hope you have something fun planned for the long weekend.  No matter where you are, I hope you have a great week.


  1. Hope the sellers can replace your calendar with an updated one, since it had been lost in the mail! Worth asking? Have a good week.


    1. I'd actually gotten a replacement calendar back when this one didn't show up. So I've been enjoying it all year long. Now I have two.

  2. It's crazy that your calendar is just now arriving in August! I'd definitely return that.

    Just two books? I hope you have enough books to get you through the long weekend. I also hope you don't have to work during it!

    1. I have so many unread books around here I could go a few months without any new books and not come close to running out of things to read.

  3. I know its inconvenient to lose a package, but its kind of funny that you just got it now... Unit the Depths do us part, sounds like it was written by someone with a sense of humor. the bride gets killed?

  4. Ranch Dressing--what a fab title. I want to read it just because of that! I hope you continue to feel better!

  5. Glad your calendar finally arrived 8 months later. Gives me hope for a book I ordered in April.

  6. Ugh...I'm also trying to get over my cold. I'm doing a little better now though. Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post and The Sunday Watch

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  7. I've read Kimberly Woodhouse but it was a much different series. I've heard a lot about this latest. I hope you feel much better the rest of this week!

  8. Praying that congestion goes away soon. How annoying. Great books this week. Hope you enjoy them.

  9. 26 Below is an intriguing title. I’ll be eager to hear what you think of it. Feel better soon!

  10. Oh, the joys of the Post Office! I hope you do enjoy a trip to the beach. Your books sound good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. It looks like you had some good reading done. That's awful about the cough, so annoying, but I can tell you the covid cough still lingers with me. I hope it goes away soon, yours as well.

    So weird about your calendar getting delivered so late. The post office gets things in a limbo quite a bit it seems.

  12. Is KB Jackson an author who's local to you? I'm going on my next cruise in April and always have my eye out for books set on a cruise ship!

  13. Maybe a time traveler drop off the package in January and it just now show up.
    Have a great week.

  14. Lingering coughs/colds are so annoying! I just got a notification that a package was delivered, but it isn't here. I do hope I find it sooner than 9 months from now!

  15. How bizarre about the calendar! I wonder where it was hiding all this time. I like the Cate Conte series and it is definitely a series I'm looking forward to reading more from - I definitely need to go back to the beginning. I hope you' have are having a wonderful week!


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