Sunday, May 10, 2015

Book Review: Evil Spy School by Stuart Gibbs (Spy School #3)

Stars: 5 out of 5
: Engaging story and characters wrapped in humor
Cons: Any cons are redacted
The Bottom Line:
Ben undercover
Must dig to find the secrets
Thrilling us again

Ben Finally Accepts His Place in SPYDER

I have yet to be disappointed with any of Stuart Gibbs’s books, and considering how many he’s written at this point, that’s saying something.  He’s returning to the world of spies in training with Evil Spy School, which takes Ben Ripley, his thirteen-year-old spy in training to the last place we ever expected him to go.

It’s time for a new school year, and Ben is enrolling in the Wiseman Preparatory Academy.  No, this isn’t the new cover name for the spy school he attended last semester.  This is the name of evil organization SPYDER’s school to train future agents to carry out their evil purposes.  Ben has finally accepted SPYDER’s offer to join the dark side, but only after he was kicked out of the CIA’s spy school for something that was only partially his fault.

Really, Ben thinks he is on an undercover assignment.  At least, he hopes he’s on an undercover assignment.  With no way to contact anyone outside of his new school, he’s only guessing at what he’s supposed to be doing.  Can Ben learn what SPYDER’s latest plans are?  If so, can he get the word to anyone in time to foil them?

This book takes Ben away from the familiar faces, at least for a large portion of the action.  However, the new characters we meet are pretty interesting, and this more than makes up for any loss.  In fact, these new characters are so interesting I hope we get to meet up with them in future installments in the series.  Meanwhile, Ben continues to be a fun main character, and we might have seen some growth in Erica, the super spy that Ben has a crush on.

The story moves forward at a steady pace, providing some clues and questions.  With about a third of the book left, things really explode and it becomes a fast paced sprint to the end.  Along the way, everything that has happened before comes back into play.

Those familiar with the series will be expecting a liberal dose of humor, and they won’t be disappointed.  I smiled and laughed at some of the situations and banter along the way.  In fact, I had to share a couple bits with a friend in the break room at work, and she enjoyed it as well.  I know that the target audience will definitely enjoy the laughs along the way.

Great plot, fun characters, and humor.  This book really does have it all.  Don’t hesitate to enroll in Evil Spy School today.  You’ll be thrilled you did.

And you'll want to read the rest of the Spy School series in order.

This is part of this week's Marvelous Middle Grade Monday.  Be sure to check out the other stories.


  1. I, too, love Gibbs' work, and the covers are brilliant. Space Case is probably my favorite, but my library copy has been missing for months. I am trying to embrace the thought that buying another copy means more money for Mr. Gibbs!

    1. Do it! I'm sure he won't mind. :)

      My favorite is still probably Belly Up, but I love each of them.

  2. Gibbs fan here, too. My favorite is always the one I'm currently reading. Hope to get to Evil Spy School soon.

    1. The one you are currently reading. That is an easy way to pick a favorite, isn't it?

  3. This looks like a lot of fun. I be looking for this one. Thanks for the review.

  4. I LOVE the cover and the story sounds really interesting. Definitely going to check this one out soon! Thanks for the rec! :-)


  5. Oh my gargoyles, I love Stuart Gibbs, and I cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of this. I also recommend reading SPACE CASE; that was the most recent one I've read of his, and it was pretty awesome.

    1. Yes, it was. I loved it when I read it last fall and can't wait for the sequel to that one. All of his books are so good.


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