
Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day's Sunday/Monday Post

Hi everyone.  Time for another Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I'll be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
Mailbox Monday
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Before I move on, Happy Father's Day to the fathers who are reading this, including my own.

We actually hit the upper 80's today!  For a warm weather lover like me, this is a huge deal.  I feel like summer might finally be around the corner.  Earlier in the week, it was cloudy and mid-60's, which is winter weather as far as I am concerned.

Yes, I am spoiled living in Southern California, why do you ask?

It's going to cool off again starting tomorrow, but we should be in the 70's or 80's all week.  That will be a very nice change of pace.

I started the week with another play.  The theater here in town is doing two plays at the same time, and I went to see the other one.  Last Round-Up of the Guacamole Queens was light and silly and completely fun.  I was glad to went to see it.

Other than that, it was a quiet week.  My church has started having an extra time of worship on Wednesdays, and I went to that.  Then my small group met Thursday night.  Other than that, I worked.

I can tell I am struggling with burn out.  Today, I had four reviews I wanted to get written, and I wrote two of them.  Honestly, I'm not sure how it got to be so late so early.  I didn't feel like I was wasting time, but here we are.  Oh well, there's always tomorrow, right?

Blog Spam Comment of the Week:

Spam comments can make you feel so good about yourself, right?  I mean, look at this gem:

Really I am very impressed with this post. Just awesome, I haven’t any word to appreciate this post.

Obviously, this could have been on any of my blog posts (because they are all that awesome), but it happened to be on a travel review, and after the comment was a link pushing a travel website for another country.  So it makes a little sense in the algorithm way why they picked that post.  But I just have to look at that and glow in how awesome a blogger I am.

Okay, I'll get serious now.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

These are all assuming I get my act together and get them all written and edited....

Sunday - Disney Pin Review: Fireworks at the Castle
Monday - Movie Review: Halloween Ends
Tuesday - Book Review: Fatal Fudge Swirl by Meri Allen
Wednesday - Ornament Review: Lil' Mater
Thursday - Book Review: Hidden Beneath by Barbara Ross
Friday - TV Show Review: Stargirl - Season 3
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

 Book Haul:

For a while, I was wondering if I would have any books to talk about this week.  Then Thursday happened, and I bought some ebooks.  Bought another one today.  All of them were on sale, so that makes it okay, right?

Actually, these first two had been on sale for a while, but I finally snagged them.  Blurb Your Enthusiasm by Louise Willder is all about blurbing.  I definitely feel like I could up my game there, so I have had this on my radar for a while.  Will I get it read any time soon?  We'll see.

I've also had my eye on Jove Brand is Near Death by J. A. Crawford for a while.  An actor accused of killing the actor who replace him in a role.  How could it be anything less than fun?  I hope it lives up to how fun it sounds.

Thursday night was a new episode of The Bookish Hour, and the guest was Marcy McCreary.  I was very intrigued by her talking about her mysteries, especially the first one, The Disappearance of Trudy Solomon. I checked out Amazon, and low and behold, the Kindle version was on sale.  How could I pass it up?

Finally, this morning, I got word that the Kindle version of Florida Happens, a short story collection from Bouchercon several years ago was on sale.  I always think I'm going to get short story collections read, and then I never do.  But, it was on sale!  And I couldn't pass it up.

What I'm Currently Reading:

Among the things I didn't get to today was reading.  I can't even say I was doing that.  I wanted to, especially since I'm reading Hiss My Deadly by Miranda James, and it's been a couple of years since we had an entry in the wonderful Cat in the Stacks Mysteries.  I was really looking forward to getting lost in the new entry in the series.  And I'm enjoying it so far.  I just need to sit down and read.

I'm also not as far along as I thought I would be in Kinsey and Me by Sue Grafton.  (Sensing a pattern here?)  This is my current audio book.  There's a chance I might not get it done by the return date, in fact, which would be very surprising for me.  But I won't have any trouble getting it out of the library again if that happens.  And, even if I can't get it out again right away, it's not that big a deal since it's short stories and essays.  I don't have to worry about forgetting something that happened early in the book that becomes important at the climax.  Anyway, I'm only one story in, and it was fun.

Have a great week!


  1. Procrastinating is a great indoor sport! I suspect you are becoming a real expert, based on all the things you mention not doing.
    best, mae at

  2. I hope you feel back on your game this week. Blurb Your Enthusiasm sounds great. It would be fun to see a quote from your blog on a book cover!

  3. I never thought reading blog spam would make me feel good! Lol. I should try it. Here's my SP:

  4. I had a difficult week, reading-wise, and I don't really know why. Nothing suited me. I blame it on the extreme heat we have been having. I'd love to have a little of that cool weather you are tired of, if you please.

    I couldn't resist Blurb Your Enthusiasm for ninety-nine cents today. Maybe it will inspire me out of this slump I'm in.

  5. I'm impressed with your consistent reviews; sometimes it's hard to be motivated. Blogging ahead can be helpful; I'm working on mid-October titles now, so I could be unmotivated for a month and no one would know! Maybe the "winter" weather is to blame. (It's been 50 some mornings in Ohio, which is fine by me!) The spam comments can be amusing. Once a pole barn company commented on one of my vampire posts, saying that a barn would be a good defense! Hope you have a better week.

  6. The weather's been similar here. 75 now. Starting to finally feel like summer :)

  7. You awesome blogger, you! :D (I have always enjoyed reading your blog since I discovered it...) I love cloudy and mid 60s weather. It's perfect for me to take my walks, though for us it's more like fall or early spring weather. Whereas you're smiling (I imagined you were when I read it) when you say "We actually hit the upper 80's today!" I'd completely break down in tears saying those same words. And I will, probably in the next week or so. Have a great week. :-)

  8. I think the weather sounds amazing. 60-80 is the best. I enjoyed Kinsey & Me, and all the Kinsey Milhone books.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  9. Blurb Your Enthusiasm does sound fascinating! I hope you enjoy it when you do get a chance to read it. Enjoy the nice weather. Have a great week!

  10. Sounds like a busy week! I like the variety of things you cover on your blog so always look forward to visiting on Sundays. Have a terrific week & thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  11. I'm enjoying Hiss Me Deadly, but like you, I just need to make some time to read. I read the first 4 in this series and after that I went out of order. Not because I wanted to but for review request purposes. Anyway, it's not making a bit of difference as I read this one. Although I'll definitely be catching up with the other books in the series. Have a great week!

  12. This is a strange year for California weather, right? Usually by now Southern California is super hot, but I noticed checking the weather from where I used to live it's low 70s. It's been hot the last couple of days here in Northern California, but we've cooled down a lot today and more tomorrow. I actually like the cooler weather since I'm not a paddle boarder, but I can understand why you'd want the warmer weather for the sport. Sounds like you have a few good mysteries to enjoy. Happy reading, Mark!

  13. Happy Father's Day to you too!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Please join the Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  14. I'm starting Hiss Me Deadly this week and am looking forward to it. I love that series. I haven't heard of the books you got this week so now I need to go research. Have a great week!

  15. Yes, my Dad was thrilled to have a sunny day in San Diego. I’m amazed to see him wearing sweaters when we FaceTime! Here in NM, our temps are in the 90’s and, next week in the 100’s.
    I hope your blog/review burnout is a short temporary situation.
    Love reading about your spam comments! 😊
    I have read several of your reviews and like the concise yet detailed format you use.
    Yes! That’s exactly how I feel! I’m so used to multi-tasking – listening to audiobooks as I do something else – that it’s become a challenge to just sit down and read!
    Take good care and happy reading!

  16. Is Kinsey and Me a memoir? I used to read her A-B-C murder books but stopped on letter R or S for some reason. Guess I kind of burned out on them.

    1. It's a collection of short stories and essays. I haven't gotten to the essays yet, so I don't know what they are about, but I'm enjoying the short stories.

  17. We might finally get some rain and slight cooling down here, but we're still in the upper regions, degrees wise. I'm much more of an autumn person, so this heat is making me slooooww xD I recognise the sense of time suddenly being gone and not getting done what you feel like you needed or wanted to, but if you feel burnt out then make sure to also take time to rest and relax, even if it feels counterproductive! I hope you have a good week and enjoy your new books! Juli @ A Universe in Words

  18. I'm curious about the Blurb book and what you think of it. Is it helpful? I will look for your review of it

  19. I enjoyed The Disappearance of Trudy Solomon and hope you do too. Sometimes life does get in the way of reading. I'm sure you'll be back to reading soon. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  20. Sometimes you need a reading break. It happens to a lot of book bloggers.

    Local theater is so much fun. My sister and I attend as often as we can. Next up is Cinderella in July and Footloose in October.

  21. Sounds like a busy week and I am glad you had fun at the theater. Florida Happens caught my interest of course. :-) The Blurb book looks good too. Hope your warm weather continues for you. Happy Reading!

  22. Kinsey and Me has been on my TBR forever. I was so sad when she died. Hope your burnout passes soon!

  23. Hiss My Deadly is an excellent title! I always enjoy the cozy mysteries titles, they always get creative with it. I haven't read this specific series but if there's a cat involved, that sounds good to me! Have a great week, happy reading!

  24. I've been gone on and off for a month and it is so nice to return to So Cal and better temperatures!

  25. Those algorithms and AI are getting smarter every day.


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