Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30th's Sunday/Monday Post

Welcome to the weekend.  It's time for the Sunday/Monday Post.  As usual, I will be linking up to:

Sunday Post
Sunday Salon
Stacking the Shelves
It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

It's been a quiet week.  I'm trying to relax as much as I can while still working (from home, at least) to get this cold to go away.  Sadly, it's holding on for dear life.  It might have helped if I'd gotten more sleep this week.  I had trouble falling asleep one night and then I woke up for no good reason two other mornings.  Hoping that taking it easy this weekend will help me shake it once and for all.

In other news, we had some unexpected "fun" on Thursday when a file I needed at work didn't process properly automatically overnight.  It took a lot of the day, but we got it figured out.  Fortunately, that is a rare thing to have happen, but it adds extra excitement when it does.

Joke of the Week:

I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn’t find any.

This Past Week on the Blog:

This Coming Week on the Blog:

Sunday - Sunday/Monday Post
Monday - June Reading Summary
Tuesday - Book Review: Murder in Rose Hill by Victoria Thompson
Wednesday - Book Review: Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon
Thursday - Movie Review: Camp Nowhere
Friday - Friday Post featuring Murder on Devil's Pond
Saturday - Weekly TV Thoughts

Book Haul:

I had a plan this week.  It was only going to get two new books this week (one a pre-order).  And both are books I was planning to read in July.  What could go wrong with that?  Um, how about Kindle sales and freebees?  Yeah, I've got five new books this week.  Not super surprised.

The book I'd planned to buy was The Case of the Ghost of Christmas Morning by P.J. Fitzsimmons.  This is the second in a series.  I read the first in January and absolutely loved it.  I am very much looking forward to reading this one and didn't want to wait for Christmas.  But Christmas in July seemed like a great time to read it, right?  I got this one for Kindle.

The first of the Kindle sale books was Murder at Beechwood by Alyssa Maxwell.  Again, I read the first earlier this year and enjoyed it.  This is actually the third in the series, but the second was on sale a couple of months back, so I snagged it then.  Now, I just need to find the time to read them.

Then there was Brushed Up on Murder by Ruth J. Hartman.  The publisher was very smart.  They sent out an email about the publication of the second in the series.  Low a behold, the first in the series was on sale for 99 cents.  It sounds cute.  The series is about a mobile cat groomer.  And I that price, I couldn't afford not giving it a try, right?  This one is still on sale.

Thursday was the season finale of It's Bookish Time, a YouTube book show.  The guest was Jann Franklin, talking about her cozy mystery series set in a small Louisiana town.  It was sounding like a lot of fun.  Low and behold, the author had set the first book, Muffalettas and Murder, to free.  Can't pass that up, right?  Looks like it is still free if you want to check it out.

Finally, there's the preorder, I mentioned - Murder Buys a One-Way Ticket, the twentieth Jaine Austen Mystery from Laura Levin.  It's the only physical book on my list for the week.

What I'm Currently Reading:

Yes, I've been reading the Jaine Austen series since it first came out.  They are always light and fun books, and I can confirm that Murder Buys a One-Way Ticket is no exception.  It arrived just as I was finishing another book, so I dropped everything to read it.  And I finished it up Saturday before I started working on this post.  Full review coming on the tenth.

Up next will be Puzzle Me a Murder, the first in a new series from Roz Noonan.  I don't know much about it, but I decided to give it a try, so we'll see what I think.  I think the puzzle theme could be a fun one for a mystery series.  The author has written other mysteries; I just haven't gotten a chance to read them yet.

That's it for me.  Hopefully, between the holidays in Canada and the States, those living in North America have an extra special week.  And I hope those who don't live here have a great week, too.


  1. I hope you were able to get more rest this weekend and feel better soon! I’m glad you got the file issue sorted out! Our work system was hit by ransomware two weeks ago so we’re back to our old system until it’s fixed.

  2. Summer colds are really infuriating. I hope you recover soon.
    best, mae at

  3. Someone I know says they would not read ARCs but only the finished book, but I save time and dollars reading books from NetGalley, as I don't mind reading the author's original version of a book.

  4. Hope you can shake your cold once in for all ... perhaps before the 4th. Lots of murder mysteries for you ... to see you through. Enjoy.

  5. Holy cow, that's the cold from hell. Hoping that gets out of your system soon. Good book haul!

  6. I'm so sorry your cold is hanging on and hanging on. My husband has that same cold right now, but he finally seems to be turning the corner on it today.

    Yes, we must not forget to be-gift ourselves during Christmas in July. Perhaps I shall go be-gift myself right now...

  7. Summer colds are the worst. Hope you get over it.
    Have a great week.

  8. I'm sorry you're still under the weather. I hope you feel better soon. Enjoy your new books; they look like fun!

  9. I'm sorry you are still suffering from the cold. I hate those lingering colds. I hope you feel better soon. You have many good books to enjoy. Those cozy mysteries look great. Enjoy and have a great week!

  10. I am so sorry you are still not feeling well, hopefully the extra rest this weekend will do it. I hope you enjoy all five of your books when you get a chance to read them!

  11. I hope you feel better soon. My TBR list has grown because of your post. Most of the time, I'm not able to join the 8pm Bookish Hours, so I'm glad you mentioned Muffaletas and Murder is free. I just grabbed it. I need to go back and watch that episode of The Bookish Hour. I also added Puzzle Me a Murder to my TBR. I love jigsaw puzzles, so this sounds perfect for me. Brushed Up on Murder was already on my TBR. I can't pass up a mobile cat groomer cozy! Have a great week! :)

  12. Puzzle Me a Murder looks good, that could be a really fun series. Hope you feel better soon.

  13. Glad you had a quiet week. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  14. You collected some books that sound fun, even if they are more than you intended. I like your Christmas in July idea.

  15. Sorry to hear about your lingering cold. Hopefully it goes away soon. Looks like you will have some great reading material to distract you.

  16. Hope that cold is moving, having a cold doesn't help sleep. Its always great to get books on Kindle.

  17. I hope you are feeling better. Too bad work frustration was thrown in while you didn't feel well. I know about those $.99 deals. They are so hard to resist. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  18. I hope you were able to get some rest and are feeling better. Always fun when the files fail to run!



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